Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Stetson Sierra, Booze, and Regret

So Justin's back and we're back in the swing of things. We're meeting tonight to polish Show #38: Winning. The Actual title should be "Songs Loosely Based on the Theme of Winning." As that was the name of the mix CD that I first played for Justin at a party his brother threw at my house in July 04


Josh (Justin's brother) wanted a place to throw a party after The Fame (http://www.thefameband.com/) played some bar. I said sure, I used to have THE party house, at one time there were seven people living there and it was a party every night, but they are all gone and all I had was my roommate who hates me, or hated me, or hates me, I've lost count. He said I could throw a party as long as I kept things under control and everyone stayed in the basement (I live in the basement). Cool. It was one of the better parties ever, I put on "Songs Loosely Based on the Theme of Winning" which is a collection of songs from 80's movie soundtracks such as "You're The Best (Around)" from the final fight montage in Karate Kid, "Win In The End" from the final basketball montage in Teen Wolf, "Burning Heart" from the Apollo Dies Montage in Rocky IV, "Savin' The Day" from the Saving New York Montage in Ghostbusters, etc. Big hit with the party, and it was 72 minutes of one song after another, and everybody played along, trying to guess what movie the song was from in the fewest bars (this became a sketch in the Winning Episode). Meanwhile I had found a bottle of Stetson Sierra Cologne. This belonged to Justin from High School, Justin bathed himself in the stuff for a sketch we did at The Heartland where Justin played a very gay Dinnerbansky & Ross Sexual Harassment Seminar Instructor named Gene Weathers. It was an interactive sketch akin to smell-o-vision, very innovative...or stupid depending upon how open-minded you are. Anyway, the Sierra was still in my props and it smelled like something you might wear to Homecoming in 1988 so as to not get laid. While "Winning" was playing we were "tagging" each other with this awful stuff. You'd walk up to some unsuspecting person at the party and tag their neck with the cologne. Pretty soon the whole basement was a combination of Stetson and 80's Movie Montage songs. And then my roommate came home to find Adam Taylor (http://www.thefameband.com/) asleep in his bed, me passed out and a person whil shall remain Nick Berry having sex on my couch. It really was pretty tame until then, but from his point of view it must have seemed much less so.


So we decided to write a show around that mix CD. This is where ideas come from, really dumb places. Actually, interesting post-script to that story, there's a free DVD called Cherry Bomb that's given out at various stores as a promotion to for the store (http://www.cherrybombusa.com/), from time to time I have shot commercials for them or submitted shorts (Schadenfreude is on Vol. 1), I had to shoot a commercial the next morning after that debacle, if you see the commercial for Sole' Nail Salon on December's Cherry Bomb, picture me, in that fancy Salon, in the same clothes as the night before wreaking of Stetson Sierra, Booze, and regret.


Justin K. said...

This party was the party to end all parties.....at Adam's house.


Adam said...

It's rare that the party to end all parties actually ends all parties.