Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Laugh and the world laughs with you, sneeze and it's goodbye Seattle

I get a little perturbed when I have to say "I'm just kidding."? I mean, for most people, sure, they might have to preface that (or, they opposite of preface..."postface"?) I just talked to a secretary and I said something outrageous and out of context. There was a pause and I said "...I'm just kidding." But I shouldn't have to, it was a well delivered non-sequitor, how coudl I be anything BUT kidding. The one thing I'm almost positive I have going for me is comic timing, when I joke, it's obvious I'm joking. For those of you with no mastery of comic timing, you should learn it, not so you can have a radio show that nobody listens to, but so you can say the rudest shit possible and not have anyone take it seriously, and even be able to comment on someone's actual flaws and make it sound like your joking about a flaw they don't have. It's great. I also hate when people tell me they're joking. Don't insult me, I get it, I didn't laugh because it wasn't funny. Wait, maybe the secretary just didn't find me that funny. Fuck.

Ever meet an old man who winks when he's joking? That could be the most annoying thing ever. I got caught in a long elevator ride with a guy like that once. The only time I wanted to take someone's life. Okay, one of two times...er three if you include every day Tucker Carlson's been alive.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Greetings Fellow Travellers

Check this out. Stephe Schmidt, tech-guy extraordianaire set us up with the SuperColumn 3000-O-tron, which allows us to create columns so rapidly it'll make you shit your pants. Also, there's no censorship (I totally used the word "shit" a few words ago). But before I zip into random thought-generating mode let me explain the outrageously outdated columns to your right. A while back, after we'd finished a two year run of performing every week at the Heartland Studio Theatre and before we had a radio show, there was this downtime where we were journeymen theatre performers and to keep up with our audience on a more personal level we wrote our thoughts and observations out in the form of columns. I had fun with it, I don't think anyone read them, but fun and popular support have always been uneasy bedfellows. Most of the columns were written in 2001 and 2002 so they're a little dated. Actually I wish they were a little more dated in their references to President Bush, in that i wish he weren't my President, but hey, who am I to argue with 52% of 60% of the population?

Cut to today.

Now the column game will be a little different. I'm not sure what blogging's all about, from what I gather it's like a diary + computers. Now why people keep trumpeting the importance of the Blogger Nation, I have no idea. Until I find out how I should be changing the world with my blog I'll just be checking in each day with something interesting that's happening with the Schadenfreude process. Right now I have a rental car to return.