Friday, December 3, 2004

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes

Okay, so I've done some research and my thoughts were correct, Blogging is just a diary + technology. So what's the big deal? That people can read other people's honest thoughts? I guess the more honest the blog the better the blog. Some girl got a book deal for writing her thoughts after a breakup, it's pretty brutally honest from what I gather.

The only thing I haven't looked up yet is why blogs were the big deal during the debates, I guess because we were getting Joe Nobody's honest appraisal of the election in real time as opposed to Brit Hume's opinion of the debates after his thoughts had been run by and edited by Rupert Murdoch. How Big Brother is the media right now? The war's going great. Bush is really popular. And nobody disagrees except the pagans. The world is now run like a ratings game, Bush 41 proved that night-vision tracer-bullet footage on the 24 hour news stations were great for his own ratings, and of course CNN saw a huge increase in their own ratings, big enough to justify four more 24 hour news channels, all because of the great TV show The Gulf War. Given the failed ratings of the TV show The Vietnam War, no Executive War Producer would dare greenlight another one until Bush 41, who, like Brandon Tartikoff, had good instincts, and the ratings were good. So good that the next Executive War Producer had to produce his own. It was Kosovo, and while not the box office poison the Vietnam was, it also wasn't the Cosby Show of Wars that the Gulf War was. And the Bush 43, like Francis Coppola going back to the Godfather after the disasterous Cotton Club, went back tot he well. And the media marched us to war all the way, they knew once the tracer bullets started flying, the ad rates would sky rocket. It's like human life isn't even involved. It's so weird, it makes me want to indulge in my most paranoid fantasies and run off and join some underground organization like The Invisibles. Given the big brother state of the Corporate Owned media, perhaps the power of information is in the hands of the blog-nation. Though that last sentence doesn't seem cynical enough for my tastes.

Okay Fuck this, nothing going on at work, I'm going home, I know when I rant about Bush it's out of a lack of other things to do. I have a screenplay to schedule and budget before Schadenfreude goes back into session on Monday, because then all attention refocuses on Episodes 38 and 39.


Roberto said...

Adam Witt, as I live and breathe. How are you? It's your old pal, Rob. Montgomery. Remember? That guy with the face and the legs? Glad to see you're doing well. Any plans to head back out this way again? Drop me a note at I've got a few questions for you. Top secret stuff. You understand.

Adam said...

Holy crap! Not only is someone reading my blog, but It's you! I will totally be out in the California area soon. I went out there for Dave Sach's wedding and had time to visit all of five people out of the twenty I now know out there. Thanks for checking in. I would like to find out how the gunrunning and child-molestation are going for you, but I'll do that in a private email so that it's not on the web. Oh, shit, now it is