Sunday, November 20, 2005

Attention soundtrack obsessives: Bear McCreary's the real deal.

Don't know if there are any soundtrack obsessives out there, but I am a recovering addict, haven't actually bought a musical score to a movie in many years but there were some years in college where ALL I listened to were musical scores. Top non-John Williams scores of all time (nobody doesn't like Star Wars, Jaws, Superman, & Raiders): Aliens, Terminator 2, Crimson Tide, The Rock, Speed, Alien 3, all the Batmans (even the shitty ones had pretty good scores), Predator, The Professional. So that's how my tastes run, and for anybody else out there who's a soundtrack fan, you need to pick up Bear McCreary's Battlestar Galactica. It was given to my by a friend of the group, I completely forget who, and it is fucking great. Very Aliens/Terminator/Predator type action score, but so good. I've listened to it ten times since I got it, it's completely my new writing music, it almost makes me want to write so I can put on the score. SO good. Go over to his site and sample some of his music, and DEFINITELY check out the Battlestar Trailers, so good. Such a great show.


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