Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Listen how angry Bill O'Reilly is.

Bill is so angry. Just livid, out of control, so offended, so pissed off that he's just not gonna take it anymore, he's been pushed and pushed and pushed and today's the day he takes a stand. What is he this mad about? The media, because it's so liberal and nobody ever takes a stand against it, so he's just not going to take it anymore tonight. This is so weird to listen to because there's so much going on, the spoken intent versus the real intent plus some actual deep-seeded personal defects in there too, perhaps a dash of dissapproving father, a smidge of self-resentment at the loss of an honest and person concept of his self, and even a shouting-at-the-wall-in-the-mental-hospital-activity-room real-world insanity going on too.

I'd be pissed off at the media too with all their reporting of crimes.

But it is Bill's right to say that that cause the terrorists to hate us...as we are told 65 Billion times over the last four years. Anything repeated that much has got to be true, right gang?

The President had this to say :(he actually did),

"Look, I don't know how many U.S. senators there are that like NASCAR. (Laughter.) I view that as a pretty good sign, to have a United States senator who follows NASCAR (anybody here like anal?). It means he's down to earth (read: stupid. He doesn't walk around Washington with a lot of airs like some of them do (what? "airs" Are we in a Tennessee Williams play? How conservative do they want to get? Have some respect and spare colloquilism, kay?. He's a common-sense man who understands the values of the people. And that's why I'm proud that he invited me to come, and by the way, it took me no time to say yes.

These are serious times in which we live, and it requires serious, experienced (?)people to deal with the problems that we're confronted with. And the biggest problem we got is we're still at war. I wish I could report to you we weren't at war(it even READS disingenuous), but there's an enemy that still lurks that wants to do harm to the United States of America. And they want to do us harm because we stand squarely for freedom and democracy (y'okay)and we're not going to change(it's true, the terrorists main demand is that we change where we stand on freedom and democracy, that's really what they're all about ). You see, they can't stand the fact -- (applause) -- they can't stand the fact that we allow people to worship freely, or to speak their mind in the public square, or to print articles the way they want to print them in America. They have a different view of the world ("airs?"). They've got this vision of darkness that stifles dissent and stifles the freedoms that many of us take for granted."

Makes you want to fly an airliner into a building doesn't it?


Fremodada said...

Bill O'Reilly - I loved his "seduction" messages he left for an assistant producer on his show - I think he told he he wanted to fuck her like a barnyard animal or something.

He's a piece of shit. I'd love to fight him.

Adam said...

Being a coward, he'd back right down from a fight as he frequently backs down and cancels truly challenging guests, usually letting Tucker Carlson fill in for them.

He also (and may other Republicans oddly) wrote a fictional crime novel and READ the book on tape. Air America plays clips from the hardass detectives seduction scene all the time.