Sunday, October 30, 2005

There are some smart people out there.

We should reform the government. From the reformation forward, the top positions should be reserved for the best and the brightest, and we'll fill cabinet positions with experts who can share their expert opinions so great ideas can be shared and great disasters can be averted.

Just a thought. I know, kind of crazy.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Live from Downtown!





Wormer, Dead! Neidermeyer, Dead! I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby...

VP Chief of Staff Libby Indicted on 5 Felony Counts, Resigns
Fri Oct 28, 2005

Indictment states that Libby's actions endangered national security.

Vice presidential adviser I. Lewis "Scooter' Libby Jr. was indicted Friday on charges of obstruction of justice, making a false statement and perjury in the CIA leak case. Karl Rove, President Bush's closest adviser, apparently escaped indictment Friday but remained under investigation, his legal status a looming political problem for the White House.
The indictments stem from a two-year investigation by special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald into whether Rove, Libby or any other administration officials knowingly revealed the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame or lied about their involvement to investigators. The five-count indictment accuses Libby of lying about how and when he learned about CIA official Valerie Plane's identity in 2003 and then told reporters about it. The information was classified. Any trial would shine a spotlight on the secret deliberations of Bush and his team as they built the case for war against Iraq.

The indictment alleges that Libby began his inquiries into Joe Wilson in late May 2003.

“These are very serious charges. They suggest that a senior White House aide put politics ahead of our national security and the rule of law.

“This case is bigger than the leak of highly classified information. It is about how the Bush White House manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to bolster its case for the war in Iraq and to discredit anyone who dared to challenge the president.

“It's now time for President Bush to lead and answer the very serious questions raised by this investigation. The American people have already paid too steep a price as a result of misconduct at the White House, and they deserve better.”

More Clerks 2 News than you can handle!

If you haven't been checking these out, they are so worth it.


Well it's about fucking time.

That the movie audiences get what they want. Enough Pirates of the Carribbean, Matrix, Spider-Man, Good Night & Good Luck, Constant Gardner and all those gay movies with those gay people in them. Let's bring movies back to their roots, To WHAT THE AUDIENCES WANT!!!!!

Patrick Fitzgerald to release indictments at Noon today

But he probably won't. For sure he has Rove and Libby on perjury for lying to grand jury. The Republican talking points on this state that perjury is not that big a deal, that it's a desperation move for the "runaway Special council" Fitzgerald who has "nothing else." Of course we all remember that for Clinton perjury put the entire country in jeopardy. Hipocracy. The sky is purple and it's always been purple. What else is new? Oh yeah, 2,000 dead soldiers, that's pretty new.

Short-Haired Chick Friday!

Today I bring you a classic, someone who probably aided greatly in my love of short-haired chicks, Jean Seberg.


A very young Adam Witt was subjected to many film during his four years of minoring in film studies at Miami of Ohio, but one film I saw several times, analyzed from many angles was Jean-Luc Godard's classic Breathless.


Amongst the many great things about the film is Jean Seberg. Just having short hair does not make you great, having short hair and an innocent bubbly fun personality is MAJOR points. One of the reasons I love short haired chicks is that that haircut seems to be attractive to people with that personality, and Jean had all that. Cute, innocent, only judging the world with excited possibility and love, and her hair was so short.


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Red Six standing down


William Hootkins, dead at 58

The lovable and dead Porkins from Star Wars, the loathsome and dead Lieutenant Eckhardt from Batman and the Beureaucratic Fool from Raiders are all dead.

Eckhardt, think about the more.

What kind of men? ...Top men.


What more can you say? Sox.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Let me say a few words about important values we must demonstrate while all of us serve in government. First, we must always maintain the highest ethical standards. We must always ask ourselves not only what is legal, but what is right. There is no goal of government worth accomplishing if it cannot be accomplished with integrity.

Second, I want us to set an example of humility. As you work for the federal government there is no excuse for arrogance, and there’s never a reason to show disrespect for others. A new tone in Washington must begin with decency and fairness. I want everyone who represents our government to be known for these values.

George W. Bush 10/15/01

Again, some sort of disconnect. Words and promises and declarations are only tools to curry favor. Need the Christian vote, say you're one of those and then sign-off on mass murder for corporations and dogs biting the dicks of detainees. Need the fagbasher vote, say you're one of those while still keeping Rove, John Roberts, and Jeff Gannon on the payroll. It doesn't matter what those words mean, what matters is what value they have rhetorically. Plus, with the Republicans every day is opposite day anyway. So if you get caught trying to destroy the lives of others (like say, Valerie Plame) and a Grand Jury decides to indict you, you say they's trying to destroy YOUR lives because of your political beliefs. See?

You can also blow the 20-year-old cover of a Non-Official-Cover CIA Agent working in Weapons of Mass Destruction because you want to make the world safer from Weapons of Mass Destruction. See?


Also, take note that as Republicans get more and more busted for the criminal shit they've been up to (also known as news) they will be crying fouler and fouler about the liberal media agian, because to report the news, is biased.


Is it just me?

Or does the whole city have that new Starter jacket smell? Drink every time you see a new Sox jacket.

Hold...The Daily Bit

The daily bit has been postponed due to the fact that we are going to L.A. and would not be able to keep the bits daily during that time. But rest assured, when we return the bits will appear DAILY!!! So we'll do this Episode 1 style. 13 DAYS UNTIL THE DAILY BIT!!!


Starting tomorrow get's a little more Daily, a little more bitty. Starting with the blogs we've been looking for ways to get more content on the site to make it more of a comedy site and less plugs for random shows we've been doing. The problem with the shorts on the site is that they just take too damn long, you look at shorts like the short for Episode 44: You love it when we fly; and there's like 60 edits in there, and it all has to be culled from two hours of docu footage and synced up to the music, and once you factor in that I have no ideas going into these things and have to "discover" the film in the process...well, life's just too short. Thus, the daily bit. No pretension of being anything special or meaningful, just random acts of video, just a guaranteed minimum of two laughs, less than 60 seconds and no more than three edits. That's the daily bit. See you tomorrow and every day after that because there are a loooooooooooot of bits.

What does it mean to Rock a Vote? Can a vote be R&B'd?

Friday, October 21, 2005

Are you prepared to fall in love with a short-haired chick?


The first thought that occurred to me when watching the opening scene of Sin City was "damn, that looks JUST like the comic" the second thought was "damn, that's a good looking short-haired chick.

So I looked her up. I wasn't prepared to fall in love but I did.

Behold Marley Shelton, perhaps the best short-haired chick yet.






Look at those eyes.

WARNING: Peeing with a boner is the number one cause of cancer in the United States, so remember, don't pee with a boner.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Clerks 2: The Pasion of the Clerks begins principal photography!

They're baaaaaaaaaaaack. I love it! I'll take Jay & Silent Bob any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


I love anyone who invents their own franchise.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Are Republicans the new Blacks?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Dude, I used to be hot!

Not to toot my own horn, but I would totally fuck this guy. Yes, I would fuck myself from '95.


What's up? I'm so serious too, that makes me look mysterious, and maybe a little dangerous, that intrigues me, like I might rape me, or merely engage in a rape fantasy with myself, maybe smack myself around until I have to use my safe word: "Boomer Esiason"

Friday, October 14, 2005

Overheard at the Schadenfreude meeting...

Adam: Wouldn’t it be great to find out that Dick Cheney was a robot?
Kate: I would love to find out that ANYBODY is a robot?

A Very Bitter Short-Haired Chick Friday

The death of a perfectly good short-haired chick.

Daryn Kagan

This pisses me off. I have had a thing for Daryn Kagan for years, she's not only hot, she's reporter-hot. But the news I've just heard is so upsetting that I can't handle it. Guess who's fucking her?


That's right, Glen Milstedt the guy who used to play Divine in Pink Flamingos...wait, that's not Glen Milstedt, how about this picture.


Now picture him spooning Daryn Kagan. EW!!!! How disgusting is that on how many levels? How dumb did she immediatly get? Hey I know Rush is putting on an act, but anyone so weak willed as to glom onto an opinion for ratings and ultimately play a major role in changing the tide of political opinion that leads to 2,000 dead soldiers is a weak fuckup. Plus he's ugly and fat and can't possibly have any personality given how easily influenced and predicable his opinions are. And right now that hottie is lying next to his fat hairy worn out Republican Oxycontin body. EWWWW! DOUBLE EW!!! OCTUPLE EW!!!!

But, one good can come of this. This may sound mean, but at least i let my dark side bubble to the top unlike many serial killers who bury it down deep inside and yell at their penis while choking themselves with a belt.

This could become a big tabloid story, putting Daryn on the mouths of every American who speculates on what kind of dirty republican sex they have, the media's about to be raped by somebody who's catching onto how asleep at the wheel they've been, and with all Daryn's Republican-esque quotes and soft-peddled apologist interviews she might get swept into the vast Fuck You the media's been earning for years. She might get into it and make more and more media presence, CNN will fire her, she'll go on Fox, they'll fire her and Rush will break it off. In two years she'll be a nobody, having been used up by the media she thought loved her, but still thinking that love genuine, she'll be desperate to tap her "look at me" vein with any media presence whatsoever.

And she'll do Playboy. See you then Darva.

Damn, I still can't believe my sweet sweet dumb dumb Daryn let that Conservative penis inside of her. Hey, they aren't married, didn't that used to be a conservative thing too? Stop fucking you non-married conservatives!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

You have two new messages

First new message

Second new message

You have no more messages, to change your greeting press 1...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wanna see somethin' cool?

In my previous post I left out the fact that the director of Heavenly Creatures would be handed tremendous faith and half a billion dollars to make three Lord of the Rings films for the studio that distributed Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Pink Flamingos. He would then go onto make the decidely non-1997 film...


Good days to be a movie fan ain't it?

Jumping off from the Van Helsing Talkback

Roberto's comments on Van Helsing being so bad that he had to take a day off work reminded me of one of my favorite days at the movies. Well, it wasn't my favorite THAT day, but now having told this story so many times I love that it happened.

I think movies today are fucking great, because I've lived throught he worst era, the era of 1997 plus or minus a year. Every trailer i see now looks fucking great, can't wait to see it completely on board. People decry that everything's been test-marketed and mass-merchandised for maximum effect, but one thing they don't throw in the mix is how good the ultimate product still is. You can mass-merchandise Hellboy or Spider-Man, or X-Men all you want, but unlike a previous era these movies are then headed up by great artists with unique visions and genuine freedom (compared to past eras) by people like Guillermo Del Toro, Sam Raimi, and Brian Singer. Batman Begins - Christoper Nolan, Dukes of Hazzard - Jay Chandresekar, and complete unkowns like the Wachowski Brothers (in 1999) ar given carte blanche just based on their ideas (and the multibillion dollar grossing "Bound"...oh, wait). While in conception they are made to be big moneymakers, there's a vision that's allowed, that gets past the stockholders in a way like never before, buoying the whole industry and making the average product very good with a decidedly un-written-by-committee feel. Complain about Soul Plane all you want, in 2005, that's the minority. I can't watch 8 trailers any more and not think that 7 of those look fucking great. Even the shittiest movie I've seen recently, Domino, Is better than most movies that came out in 1997.

1997 was the wasteland of Batman & Robin, Volcano, Dante's Peak, Alien Resurrection, The Devil's Own, Face/Off, Flubber, , G.I. Jane, The Jackal, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Jungle 2 Jungle, Kull The Conquorer, Mission 2 Mars (load the gun, honey...), Jurassic Park: The Lost World, Murder at 1600, The Rainmaker, The Saint, Scream 2, Steel, Tomorrow Never Dies, , U-Turn, Wishmaster, Speed Fucking 2, and THE GODDAMN POSTMAN!.

Total shitShit ShitMore ShitShit

There's your 1997 boys and girls, and, it goes without mentioning, that this all followed 1996, very very very depressing. Compare it to this year on the pop or indie level, no contest that movies have gotten fucking good, largely, thanks to what did succeed in 1996 and 1997, because when you get outside the system there were a few good things, I think all our lives are better for having Good Will Hunting exist, but that came from way outside and I think Hollywood would've prevented L.A. Confidential if they could've. By the way, has anybody that LOVED Ulee's Gold ever rented, seen, or even talked about it again?

Respectable Shit

I say all this to set up one day that I went to the movies. Now, I've always loved exploitation movies, bad movies, and b movies, I loved MST3K and I can always see the quality of intent in a bad movie. Movie's are not easy to make, the worst movie ever made was a two year pain-in-the-ass to make, Slithis, for all it's shortcomings required love of somebody to make it to the big screen because movies are just damn hard to make therefore I appreciate ALL movies, allright all movies but Speed 2, I mean, fuck that movie! So I see that there are two clearly bad movies playing at that movie theatre that used to be on Ohio, the one that Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones opened at that's no longer there; Anaconda and Volcano.


At the time, and still today I'm a notorious sneak, pay for one movie at 11am, and don't leave the multiplex until 6 movies later at midnight. I've probably stolen 200 movies in the last 8 years in Chicago. So I get all excited for a bad movie two-fer, Volcano & Anaconda, they both looked so awful but so much fun. So I paid for Volcano and it was SO FUCKING BAD I REFUSED TO SNEAK AND SEE ANACONDA FOR FREE, my heart, my soul could not take what could possibly be behind those doors. Volcano is the most awful movie in the history of mankind. YOU BLEW UP A BUILDING TO DAMN THE VOLCANO?!?!?! What???? And the irony of asking me, the audience member, sitting in a puddle of my own shit for two hours for CARE ABOUT WHETHER A VOLCANO DESTROYS THE TOWN THAT MADE THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And care whether the star of BLOWN AWAY, THE CLIENT, COBB & BATMAN FOREVER dies??????? WHAT DUMBFUCK'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS GROSS MISJUDGEMENT OF HUMANITY?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Mick Jackson? Wait, he directed The Bodyguard and that was pretty good, and L.A. Story and that was pretty good, WAIT A SECOND!! YOU HACK, Steve Martin, Kevin Costner, and Lawrence Kasdan are responsible for those movies, they just needed a warm ass in the director's chair to push around, go direct another Oprah Winfrey TV movie you horrible horrible hack! And THE COAST IS TOAST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'll kill the guy who created that. Look how smug it is in it's knowledge that you will love it. Blow me.

Bottom line, I would not see a snake puke up The Midnight Cowboy until video.

One last thing, in researching 1997 on IMDB, I noticed that the porno "The World's Luckiest Man" came out in 1997 and I have to say that that is absolutely one of the best porno's every made. John Dough and 100 women, and they just sit around all day playing in the pool and taking turns fucking John Dough who just sits in a lawn chair the whole day. Great stuff, highly recommended, rent that, Batman & Robin, and Ulee's Gold all in one night for the complete 1997 experience.

great movie

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Not "Fart" funny, but funny

Bush’s Circular Logic on Miers
During an interview this morning on “The Today Show,” President Bush touted Harriet Miers’ credentials:

"I would remind those, one, that Harriet is an extraordinarily accomplished woman who’s done a lot. As a matter of fact, she’s consistently ranked as one of the top 50 women lawyers in the United States."

Actually, The National Law Journal ranked Miers among “The Fifty Most Influential Women Lawyers.” The specific designation is significant, because National Law Journal selected her as one of the “most influential” because of Miers’ close, personal relationship with Bush. From the National Law Journal:

1998: “Ms. Miers is a big wheel in the big state of Texas, where she is chair of the Texas Lottery Commission and the personal attorney of Gov. George W. Bush. She was general counsel to Gov. Bush’s transition team when he first became governor.” [“The Fifty Most Influential Women Lawyers In America,” The National Law Journal, 3/30/98]

In other words, the National Law Journal recognized that Miers’ benefited from her connections to Bush. Now, Bush uses that designation to argue that she is qualified apart from her relationship with him. It’s the beauty of circular reasoning.

I go to Ohio, visit the home of The Chief, get Teabagged, gaze at my cousins non-existent backyard and spend time with the cutest girl on Earth





My cousin, Joe, is moving to Japan to work for Honda for a year so I quickly mobilized a rental car to visit him for the weekend. Problem is, Zanesfield, OH is not particularly near any major throroughfares.


So you have the option to go 80/90 along the north of Indiana and Ohio, then straight down on 75 from Toledo to Zanesfield, which is not the hypoteneuse this geometry student was looking for. So I took the shortest distance between two points, highway 30 straight there. Only Pythatgoras never factored in a STOP LIGHT EVERY 5 MILES!!! Holy shit, it took forever. Get the car up to 75, slow down to 45, and stop. Two observations: Every town between here and Zanesfield should be renamed RubyApplebeeTuesdays because those two landmarks are in every town, and Fort Wayne has a strip club for every 3 citizens.

Spent some quality time with my cousin and his kids, Rachel and Josh, who are the greatest kids ever! I challenge any cynic who hates kids and would never have kids to spent .10 seconds with little Rachel and not change his views. Also, DAMN am I good with kids. The best moment was when I woke up way early Monday to drive back, the whole house was quiet but little Rachel obviously heard me and I had a Santa Claus moment, the little inquisitive girl coming down and interrupting the man in the living room trying to be quiet and asking 100 questions of him: why do you have to leave? Where are you going? Why? What's that? Are you coming back for my Kim Possible birthday party? Rachel is having a Kim Possible birthday party and must mention it every five minutes.

My cousin and I are rather immature, we stopped during a drive to get some Planters Hot Nuts and proceeded to do every combination of entendre's on the damn things: Would you like some hot nuts in your mouth, you got some hot nut on your chin. suck on these hot nuts, etc. But you often forget the repetition of youngsters of frequently said phrases. Bottom line, Rachel, who wasn't allowed to eat any, made the correct statement that only boys have hot nuts.

Friday, October 7, 2005

Short-Haired Chick Friday!

First of all, the new Battlestar Galactica is not just good in a "loved the original" way (that would be impossible for me), it's just really good. I remember the original but don't remember watching it all that much, it was a pretty shitty show, Cylons looked cool, so the did the Battlestar X-Wing rip-off ships and the rest kinda sucked, BUT is indelibely imprinted in my mind, which did make me enjoy the reference level in addition to the drama of the show.

I'm generalizing, I'd love to do the research, but I think it's takes an average of 60 people telling me they like a show before I'll go to the effort of putting a TV show above Van Helsing in the Netflix Queue. Poor Van Helsing, always a bridesmaid.

Caveat:: Don't you all have those movies that get like two from the top or next in line all the time but always get trumped by the newest and hottest movie, sort of like Hollywood itself. Poor Van Helsing and The Village, still haven't seen either of them and they've both been next in line like Six times. And what just arrived, Layer Cake, so young and hip and new. OH! And then months in the future you're scanning down your list and see a movie at slot 126 that you remember used to vie for first years ago. Sorry We Were Soldiers Once and Spy Game, I'll get to you...I promise.
End of caveat, my point is, 24 season 1 disc 1 is on the way, I've heard it's good.

So Battlestar. I was told from a sci-fi angle that I'd love the show, but Sandy & Stephe also added one other thing, that I would love Starbuck. And yes, Starbuck is perfect!


Starbuck is everything I love about short-haired chicks, that tough exterior, that take-no-shit attitude, and yet you KNOW her toenails are painted. About two hours in after fighting her Chief Officer, being thrown in the brig, and masculinely screaming as she fights off Cyclons, she has the giddiest girliest scene with a very handsome Tom Cruise ripoff Apollo.


I'll file a proper review later because I've got an hour left, but Starbuck is definitely Short-Haired Chick of The Week.


Thursday, October 6, 2005

Some sort of psychological disconnect.

UPDATE: New Quote: This I my favorite.

"they're the party of "the ends justify the means." And they have an incredible lust for power. The only way they think they can get us is to burn down that house with an ethical cloud over it, and so their only agenda is this kind of politics of personal destruction." Huh? Democrats talking about the Republicans assault on Clinton? Nope, Tom Delay accusing the enemy of doing what they do.

Nothing fascinates me more than when Republicans or Conservatives blame others of crimes that they themselves are perpetrating. It's a weird mania, I have a feeling psychologists have years of research on such unhealthy behavior, and I have a feeling serial killers exhibit this type of behavior, claiming a woman they killed had ditry thoughts when they themselves are the dirty thinkers.

"In truth, they have endless ambitions of imperial domination and they wish to make everyone powerless except themselves…They seek to end dissent in every form and to control every aspect of life and to rule the soul itself."

Someone talking about the Republicans?, it's Bush in his speech 10/5/05

Here's another one...

"We have now left entirely the field of normal political conflict and entered a twilight world where fantasy is presented as fact and the only standard of conduct is "will it work?". This is not the actions of a political Party engaged in seeking a majority - it is the action of a Party determined to destroy its opponents entirely and sieze all power for is, in short, the stuff from which civil wars are made."

A blogger talking about the Republicans?, a Conservative Blogger talking about the idictment on Tom Delay. He continues, if only irony fueled SUV's...

"I really do urge our Democrats to step back from the edge - you are sitting in a lake of gasoline and you are playing with fire. We on our side will only put up with so much before we start to pay back with usury what we have received. If you can't defeat Tom Delay in the electoral field, then you will simply have to accept him as Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives - and you'd better start accepting political reality before things get really bad."

And there's lots more where that came from, I'll keep reposting this as I find more.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

And again!

Under fire for cronyism? Hire your personal attornery to the Supreme Court.
Under fire for a slow respone to Katrina due to bureaucracy? Add some loopholes to announcing the weather.

But really, who know more about the weather, the National Weather Service, or the Commerce Department.

Bush gag orders National Weather Service
by curtadams

Tue Oct 4th, 2005 at 22:02:17 PDT

Employees of the National Weather Service, in the process of accurately warning the public about recent hurricanes, have apparently stepped on some toes. Recent weather facts have exposed both Bush's incompetence and Santorum's corruption. As reported by Larisa Alexandrovna of Raw Story NWS employees who wish to talk to the press must now obtain authorization from the Department of Commerce.

curtadams's diary :: ::
Reality has been hard on the Bush administration lately. Part of the slow response from the federal government to Katrina resulted from the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA using different weather services. DHS used a weather service which has made large contributions to Santorum, who in turn introduced a bill to prohibit the National Weather Service from releasing information that is available from private weather companies - which is to say, anything. NWS will still have the privilege of providing these companies with information for free, paid for by taxpayers.

Now the Bush administration has taken a new tactic to reduce the effectiveness of the National Weather Service and reduce the chance that weather facts will refute administration spin or show up private companies (which cannot currently match the NWS' hurricane forecast accuracy)

NWS must obtain approval before they talk to the media. Employees must obtain the following:

-The name of the reporter and their affiliation
-Their deadline and contact phone number
-The name of the individual being requested to give the interview
-The purpose of the interview
-The expertise of the requested interviewee on this subject.

send it to the Department of Commerce, and get approval.

Obviously, this is ludicrous for an agency with such desperately time-sensitive information. The next major weather event - hurricane, blizzard, tornado, you name it - will be a much greater hazard to the public, which will be restricted to the narrow straw of regularly scheduled bulletins. Call CNN to announce a shift in forecast track? Ix-nay! Good luck, suckers.

In The Administration's Continuing War On Irony

A war on terror that creates more terrorists?
Expanding government in the name of lessening it?
The winner's of 2000 and 2004's elections providing democracy to the middle east?

If only the class projecthad been about any other subject...

Wal-Mart Turns in Student’s Anti-Bush Photo, Secret Service Investigates Him
Matthew Rothschild
October 4, 2005
Selina Jarvis is the chair of the social studies department at Currituck County High School in North Carolina, and she is not used to having the Secret Service question her or one of her students.

But that’s what happened on September 20.

Jarvis had assigned her senior civics and economics class “to take photographs to illustrate their rights in the Bill of Rights,” she says. One student “had taken a photo of George Bush out of a magazine and tacked the picture to a wall with a red thumb tack through his head. Then he made a thumb’s down sign with his own hand next to the President’s picture, and he had a photo taken of that, and he pasted it on a poster.”

According to Jarvis, the student, who remains anonymous, was just doing his assignment, illustrating the right to dissent.

But over at the Kitty Hawk Wal-Mart, where the student took his film to be developed, this right is evidently suspect.

An employee in that Wal-Mart photo department called the Kitty Hawk police on the student. And the Kitty Hawk police turned the matter over to the Secret Service.

On Tuesday, September 20, the Secret Service came to Currituck High.“At 1:35, the student came to me and told me that the Secret Service had taken his poster,” Jarvis says. “I didn’t believe him at first. But they had come into my room when I wasn’t there and had taken his poster, which was in a stack with all the others.”

She says the student was upset.

“He was nervous, he was scared, and his parents were out of town on business,” says Jarvis.

She, too, had to talk to the Secret Service.

“Halfway through my afternoon class, the assistant principal got me out of class and took me to the office conference room,” she says. “Two men from the Secret Service were there. They asked me what I knew about the student. I told them he was a great kid, that he was in the homecoming court, and that he’d never been in any trouble.”

Then they got down to his poster.

“They asked me, didn’t I think that it was suspicious,” she recalls. “I said no, it was a Bill of Rights project!”

At the end of the meeting, they told her the incident “would be interpreted by the U.S. attorney, who would decide whether the student could be indicted,” she says.

The student was not indicted, and the Secret Service did not pursue the case further.

“I blame Wal-Mart more than anybody,” she says. “I was really disgusted with them. But everyone was using poor judgment, from Wal-Mart up to the Secret Service.”

A person in the photo department at the Wal-Mart in Kitty Hawk said, “You have to call either the home office or the authorities to get any information about that.”

Jacquie Young, a spokesperson for Wal-Mart at company headquarters, did not provide comment within a 24-hour period.

Sharon Davenport of the Kitty Hawk Police Department said, “We just handed it over” to the Secret Service. “No investigative report was filed.”

Jonathan Scherry, spokesman for the Secret Service in Washington, D.C., said, “We ertainly respect artistic freedom, but we also have the responsibility to look into incidents when necessary. In this case, it was brought to our attention from a private citizen, a photo lab employee.”

Jarvis uses one word to describe the whole incident: “ridiculous.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

August 6th, 2001

Had this pointed out to me by the liberal blogosphere. Interesting choice for a photo, what's more interesting is the date the photo was taken. August, 6th, 2001

This is all insignificant because the memo was of course debunked as meaninless, junk, worthless, and insignificant by those that could catch hell for having overlooked it, an impartial jury to say the least. Who would know whether he threw a strike or not better than the pitcher?
Pretty Gyros girl

Be mesmerized by the alluring eyes of the sexy Gyros girls and her sexual gyro. Feel your pants get big and robust as she grips tighter on the symbol of her love for you. DO NOT LOOK AWAY! From the sexy gyros girl as she begs you to reach deep in your pocket, and pull pull PULL! out $4.65 for the her Gyros, Fries, and drink. Stare STARE! at the suggestive tatziki sauce coming alluringly close to her lips. She wants you, she wants your Gyro, she wants it in her fist, close to her mouth, where she puts all her meat, for she is the SEXY GYROS GIRL of Edgewater.

So BUY A GYRO, it's just like getting blown.

Gyro Ad Exec: Constantine, I don't know if the tag line puts the message in the area of over-the-top.
Constantine: The arm wrestling movie?
GAE: No, Robert Loggia would've given it THAT feeling of being over-the-top, it's the tagline
C: "Buy a gyro, it's just like getting blown?"
GAE: Maybe we can subtle it up a bit.
C: How about Buy a Gyro, it's like fucking a hot chick.
GAE: Ehhhhhh
C: It's like fucking a hot slut.
GAE: Better, good, go to print.