Second, I want us to set an example of humility. As you work for the federal government there is no excuse for arrogance, and there’s never a reason to show disrespect for others. A new tone in Washington must begin with decency and fairness. I want everyone who represents our government to be known for these values.
George W. Bush 10/15/01
Again, some sort of disconnect. Words and promises and declarations are only tools to curry favor. Need the Christian vote, say you're one of those and then sign-off on mass murder for corporations and dogs biting the dicks of detainees. Need the fagbasher vote, say you're one of those while still keeping Rove, John Roberts, and Jeff Gannon on the payroll. It doesn't matter what those words mean, what matters is what value they have rhetorically. Plus, with the Republicans every day is opposite day anyway. So if you get caught trying to destroy the lives of others (like say, Valerie Plame) and a Grand Jury decides to indict you, you say they's trying to destroy YOUR lives because of your political beliefs. See?
You can also blow the 20-year-old cover of a Non-Official-Cover CIA Agent working in Weapons of Mass Destruction because you want to make the world safer from Weapons of Mass Destruction. See?
Also, take note that as Republicans get more and more busted for the criminal shit they've been up to (also known as news) they will be crying fouler and fouler about the liberal media agian, because to report the news, is biased.
When are you going to L.A.? Sometime soon?
Yes! I'm so behind on letting everyone know. We arrive this coming Tuesday, perform at the UCB this Wednesday, party this Thrusday, and come home this Friday. Can you make it to the city? It'd be good to see you. Shit, I have to let Johanna and Sacks know.
Wednesday or Thursday, huh? It's so crazy it just might work. Email me more specifics (like where you'll be and what your schedule looks like) at, or give me a call at 760.401.1836.
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