I'm generalizing, I'd love to do the research, but I think it's takes an average of 60 people telling me they like a show before I'll go to the effort of putting a TV show above Van Helsing in the Netflix Queue. Poor Van Helsing, always a bridesmaid.
Caveat:: Don't you all have those movies that get like two from the top or next in line all the time but always get trumped by the newest and hottest movie, sort of like Hollywood itself. Poor Van Helsing and The Village, still haven't seen either of them and they've both been next in line like Six times. And what just arrived, Layer Cake, so young and hip and new. OH! And then months in the future you're scanning down your list and see a movie at slot 126 that you remember used to vie for first years ago. Sorry We Were Soldiers Once and Spy Game, I'll get to you...I promise.
End of caveat, my point is, 24 season 1 disc 1 is on the way, I've heard it's good.
So Battlestar. I was told from a sci-fi angle that I'd love the show, but Sandy & Stephe also added one other thing, that I would love Starbuck. And yes, Starbuck is perfect!
Starbuck is everything I love about short-haired chicks, that tough exterior, that take-no-shit attitude, and yet you KNOW her toenails are painted. About two hours in after fighting her Chief Officer, being thrown in the brig, and masculinely screaming as she fights off Cyclons, she has the giddiest girliest scene with a very handsome Tom Cruise ripoff Apollo.
I'll file a proper review later because I've got an hour left, but Starbuck is definitely Short-Haired Chick of The Week.
Awesome, Adam. I'm glad you're enjoying Galactica and Starbuck.
Love the fact that Face from the A-Team is now a Short-Haired Chick.
The faculty and staff at Open Run.
I have the same problem with Netflix. I can't pull the trigger on "Yes Men" "Bad News Bears" or "Living with Tigers"
Van Helsing sucked HARD. Remove it from your queue - it will almost make you forget that Hugh Jackman is Wolverine. Aside from his hat, the rest of the movie SUCKS. Oh god. So bad.
To put it in perspective, the Phantom was a better movie than Van Helsing.
I echo what Fred said. It was so bad and so depressing that I actually stayed home from school the next day. Of course, it didn't help matters any that I saw it the same day that I saw Godsend, that terrific DeNiro-Kinnear cloning thing that rips off Sixth Sense and every scary-Japanese-kid horror movie of the last ten years.
The Phantom!! Holy shit, that's bad. I have heard that Van Helsing is bad to the point where I now have renewed vigor to see to see what the trainwreck is like.
Nice analogy on Godsend. It's like a virus that "it turns out he's dead" thing, just like that virus that made so many smart-ass hitmen flood america after Reservior and Pulp.
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