Friday, November 11, 2005

The Complete, and I mean, COMPLETE films of Werner Herzog pt. 2


It's not over yet, when last we left Werner he was recovering from the herculean effort to make FITZCARRALDO, in which he lived in the rain forest for months surrounded by warring natives and supervised the towing of a 1920's riverboat up and over a peruvian mountain. The film is nothing short of a masterpiece, and of course, it stars Klaus Kinski, which I am completely in love with. We all fell in love with Klaus, and amzing actor with a presence few actors can achieve. He is riveting like nobody else in Aguirre and Nosferatu (what a fucking masterpiece that is). It's been stated that Kinski made over 100 films, but only his five collaborations with Herzog are widely known and achieved international acclaim. Herzog has made 50 films, and only his five collaborations with Kinski and Stroszek received international acclaim.

Tonight begins with his final collaboration with Kinski, COBRA VERDE, and then we head into nothing but documentaries until Sunday night. So intense was the ordeal to make FITZCARRALDO that Herzog only made documentaries for ten years, which few people know, much less have seen. Luckily, Chris Sienko is on the case.

Please, if you have no interest in Herzog or Kinski, just do yourself the favor of renting Aguirre or Nosferatu. You will not be dissapointed.

I will be blogging throughout the weekend if you're interesting in UP-TO-THE-MINUTE information on decade-old movies.

1 comment:

Chris S. said...

Adam...thanks for the super-nice words about the Stiff-Legged Film Festival and the second half of ze big Werner Herzog retrospective! I'll link this to the fest blog as well. However, I did want to point out one minor discrepency. Although Herzog didn't do too many non-documentary features after "Cobra Verde," he didn't do exclusively docs! We'll be showing the mountain-climbing melodrama "Scream In Stone" tonight (with Donald Sutherland!), and on Sunday is the Nazi-era morality fable "Invincible" (with Tim Roth!). Apart from that, everything looks great. See you tonight!