Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Sitting in the lobby of the Best Western in The Hollywood Hills

We've touched down in L.A. in the Hollywood Hills, home of the Upright Citizens Brigade L.A. There's a wonderful Lebowski-esque diner in our hotel called Diner 101 or something like that. We've been to L.A. a few times, but this is the coolest neighborhood we've stayed in, it might be the ONLY neighborhood we've stayed in. The previous trips we stayed in places that seemed to be next to major throughfares which didn't seem to constitute a "neighborhood." Where we are seems to be the Wicker Park of L.A. based on the hipster demo in Diner 101. I think they're all screenwriters.

The Hotel, in the words of Justin, is very Mulholland Drive, not the drive, the movie. A sort of sad, deadend for old Marilyn Monroes. You can imagine an aging starlet or Ed Wood living out their last days for $20 a day in a joint like this. This is actually $200 a day, but you could imagine a $20 a day version of this, eeeeeeeasily.

Justin's got two meetings today and as it turns out they are 25 minutes in two different directions from where we are, we're thinking of asking a friend for a ride to avoid a couple $50 cab rides, but it's kind of like asking a friend for a ride to Deerfield. Then again, maybe rides are taken to Deerfield every day in L.A.

We're calling all our friends right now and trying to get them out to our show tomorrow night. Bart Kias in the hizz, Matt Lenhart in the hizz, Ryan Anglin in the hizz, Ike Barinholtz in the hizz, Gillian Vigman in the hizz. I would like to get David Sachs in the hizz, but the number I had for his old hizz is no longer working, I think he changed hiz number when he moved to a new hizz.

Not much to update, but I found the hotspot in the lobby and couldn't pass up the opportuity to post that I'm in the lobby of a hotel in L.A.


Roberto said...

Ya lousy bastid. A couple posts ago, I gave you my email and cell phone number, but did you call? Nooooooooo. Now I'll be sitting around Wednesday night doing work instead of driving into L.A. Curse you, Adam Witt, and everything you stand for.

Okay, not really. But seriously, if you read this Wednesday A.M. or early P.M., get in touch and gimme gimmme details.

Adam said...

Dammit! Soooo sorry I forgot to call. Damn, I would've loved to have seen you, completely forgot to call once we got there and in the flow of things. If you'd like to join Dave Sachs in the "pissed at Adam" club, there's room for new enrollees. The good news is it looks like we'll be back soon. Again, I apologize with much profuse.