And I noticed two things. Two things just popped out at me.
And it's not the girl to the bottom right who looks like Arcee from Transformer's: The Movie. You can hardley tell she's a space car in her robot mode.
While I couldn't find any more pictures of them, I did find pictures of the last top model, or rather one of the runner-ups with short hair.
Mollie Sue
Check out her myspace page for her myspace page.
I don't really have time to comment on any of this as I'm prepping some bits for my roast.
Instead I'll substitute in a script from The cartoon M.A.S.K. from 1983
Mayhem: Hurry up.
Dagger: Yes, sir. I've never done such an easy job like this.
Sly Rax: Nothing like a good earthquake to scare people away.
Mayhem: Good Job. Let's get going.
Mayhem: M.A.S.K.! (Turns around)
Matt: This is it V.E.N.O.M.!
Woman: Help ! Somebody help !
Mayhem:Viper, fire!
Mayhem: How convenient…let 's get out of here.
Matt:Bruce, Brad, Alex, Gloria help that woman. We'll take care of VENOM.
Sly Rax: Stiletto fire!
Buddy:Penetrator on!
Dagger:Torch on!
Dusty: Backlash fire!
Gloria: Aura on!
Woman: Nooo! Ahhhh!
Bruce: Lifter on!
Dusty:Backlash fire!
Vanessa: Eeayah!
Dusty: Better give up…now.
Vanessa Fat chance!!
Dusty: Woah!!
Dagger:Get in, quick!
Dusty: Hey! Stop!
Mayhem:This should slow him down.
Dusty: Oh Nooo…
Dusty: Hey! Wait a minute!
Dusty:Don't evaporate me!
Matt: Are you all right, Dusty?
Dusty:Well sort of…V.E.N.O.M. got away.
Matt: Don't worry. At least we got what they were after. Did you figure out what it was?
Alex:It 's a computer component used to divert earthquakes from populated areas to the desert or ocean floor.
Matt: Then obviously V.E.N.O.M. has the means to create earthquakes. That's obviously what the plutonium was for… some kind of earthquake device.
1 comment:
Hondo: I wonder what this button does
Alex: No! Hondo, don't touch that button it will dest...
-mushroom cloud envelops M.A.S.K.-
Later in toy heaven...
Team members of M.A.S.K. in unison: Oh, Hondo.
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