Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What I'm Listening To Right Now

I could go on about my love of music from 60's and 70's exploitation soundtracks. Exploitation, not Blacksploitation, which falls under the previous category. When I discovered the world's greatest music stream five years ago I was so invigorated by this world of thousands of albums and artists I'd never heard of. The amount of music in the odd subgenre was massive. The first two albums I bought in the genre, Beat at Cinecitta and Cinemaphonic Soul Punch are the best albums I've bought since Pyromania. Incredible. You want a good party/chill album? Soul Punch, baby.

Which brings me to my big big tip of the hat to a man with as good a taste in music as I do.


Endless Mike.

One the above link you'll see a couple posts down Mike has listed off all his links to out-of-print, uber-rare exploitation/lounge/library links. I've found that Library music's where it's at. "Library", as in British libraries of stock music recorded for tv shows and movies by some of the best studio musicians at the time, not as in the sort of music heard in libraries.

Right now I'm listening to Ear Catching Melodies. Check it out.

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