Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Pretty Gyros girl

Be mesmerized by the alluring eyes of the sexy Gyros girls and her sexual gyro. Feel your pants get big and robust as she grips tighter on the symbol of her love for you. DO NOT LOOK AWAY! From the sexy gyros girl as she begs you to reach deep in your pocket, and pull pull PULL! out $4.65 for the her Gyros, Fries, and drink. Stare STARE! at the suggestive tatziki sauce coming alluringly close to her lips. She wants you, she wants your Gyro, she wants it in her fist, close to her mouth, where she puts all her meat, for she is the SEXY GYROS GIRL of Edgewater.

So BUY A GYRO, it's just like getting blown.

Gyro Ad Exec: Constantine, I don't know if the tag line puts the message in the area of over-the-top.
Constantine: The arm wrestling movie?
GAE: No, Robert Loggia would've given it THAT feeling of being over-the-top, it's the tagline
C: "Buy a gyro, it's just like getting blown?"
GAE: Maybe we can subtle it up a bit.
C: How about Buy a Gyro, it's like fucking a hot chick.
GAE: Ehhhhhh
C: It's like fucking a hot slut.
GAE: Better, good, go to print.


Roberto said...

I kinda like the sign below the ad. If I didn't know better, it sounds like it's warning innocent passersby that only employees of Kronos Gyros can fuck the poster.

Adam said...

HA! That's hilarious! Good call.

pine cone 4 said...

i've always wanted to get one of those posters for my kitchen. it would go well with the poster of a vienna beef polish sausage on parade down old halsted street. if anybody knows where i can get a poster of the hot gyros girl, please let me know!!

anoush said...

hallo schadenfreude,
why only short-hair chicks with blonde hair?
anoush from berlin