Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Got A Tattoo


I decided to mark my time in Chicago with a Tattoo on my right shoulder. It was a great day all around, my beloved ex, Carla, and I were having a little last lunch in Bucktown. For years Carla, who's got ink herself, has asked me to get a tattoo. So we had lunch and then she came and watched some hispanic dude grind needles into my arm for an hour. They had this big poster of Japanese symbols, for anybody who wants to get a Japanese symbol on their arm in 1998. My favorite was that they had the Japanese symbol for "cheese." Part of me wanted to get that, just so I could have everyone assume it meant "peace" or "tranquility," but really it means...Cheese.

Yes, it hurts, but it's a pain you can get over. It's more inconvenient than anything. I've never seen Carla happier, she just loved watching me get a tattoo, but that's Carla. I'll miss her...and everyone.

adam tat 1

What's the tattoo of, you ask? Why the picture of Justin and Mayor Daley, of course.

You'll have to come to my party to find out what it's really of. Tomorrow night, 8pm, 5720 N. Wayne Ave. BYOB, buzz Witt/Gluck

Classic Schad
As I type this I'm backing up some old, sensitive Schadenfreude VHS to DV. I'm watching the second show we ever did from Cafe' Ashie in 1998. It's so bad, but with little funny moments. Right now John Bolger, Gillian Vigman, Sandy, Kate, and myself are sitting around a fake table playing pretentious theatre directors, Ike Barinholtz plays a waiter who tries to namedrop ineffectively, saying that River Phoenix (dead) is thinking about playing the lead in his new script, and that it's about Larry Flynt. Justin and Tommy are the loudest and supportive laughers. Justin would be onstage with us in four weeks.

It should be nostalgic, but it's actually just weird.

The Coolest Project Ever

While I'm rolling in shitty old VHS of Sandy's earliest gay/nerdy performances I'm writing out the notes from last Thursdays meeting. I don't want to say what it is right now, but we're working on what might be the coolest Schadenfreude project yet. It's a musical. That's it, that's all I'm going to say. It may not happen, I don't want to jinx it, but if it happens it will be the best thing we've done, next to the book we're writing. Did you know we're writing a book? Yes, again, don't want to talk much about it until the trigger is pulled, we've got a lot of work to do, but it might be the coolest thing we've ever to Alderman our screenplay that now sits in Los Angeles. I'm going to go keep it company.

You know I never wrapped up the screenplay on the blog here. I'm so proud of it, it's so good and so full of jokes and there are some great cameo's from our little universe. I can't wait to see an audience of our fans when Todd Voorhies makes his cameo. We've had a lot of discussion about who we'd like to play who. I'll just say I just saw Little Miss Sunshine and Alan Arkin IS Ed Bus.

Right now Ike is playing an angry Grandpa that John had to take with him to a party in order to get the car. Ike is asking a party full of teens if they'd like to see him shit in a cardboard box.


Justin K. said...

Finally, someone listens to me! I've been saying Alan Arkin since we began! Someone had Dan Hadeya on the brain and everyone was behind that. Nope. Second City, old man Alan Arkin. Count it!

Fred Mowery said...

Welcome to the club! Please say you got something superhero related. I may end up stealing your idea of the Kingdom Come Superman logo - remember also that tattoos can be addictive.

blk said...

Andre The Giant gets a tattoo! WTF! I have heard that for some people the camera adds a few pounds but in this case it looks as though it added about two feet of height, a lupus like nose, neanderthal brow and about 50 lb's.

And since I can't make it to the party why not just whisper to me what the tat is? Its the internet, noone will find out. Come on, tell me...

Oompa Loompa said...

No shit about the size!!! Are you sure that dude is hispanic or was he just a light complected pygmy?!?