Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Dems, don't fuck this up.

How different is the Dem takeover compared to the Republican 1994 takeover? You've got women and black guys and muslims taking seats in the house as demanded by a pissed off America. Remember how not pissed off we were in 1994? Remember how pissed off the Republicans claimed we were and how we just weren't going to take what the nineties were doing to us anymore! They invented an enemy and provided themselves as the solution, and they've been dong it ever since, present a solution to a problem that doesn't exist (Corruption in the 1994 House & Senate, Whitewater, Filegate, Stampgate, Clinton, Iraq, a lack of support for the troops, homosexuality, "rampant" abortion, the liberal media, too much government, high-taxes, social security...) and decry their opposition for having no solution to the problems that don't exist. They were the adults, finally the adults were coming to power to solve this horrible decade in which all of us were living. The awful nineties, another myth brought to you by the people that brought you the war that is currently going well.

They took over with grandstanding, chest-thumping and written promises to make everything better, The Contract With America! An America that didn't know it was pissed off was informed on a daily basis that is was. An America that didn't know how much it hated it's neighbor was informed on a daily basis that it did, they don't believe in God and hate their country.

That's how they came in. The Democrats, of course, have made plenty of promises to make America better, they are campaigning after all. But, remember the nineties? Not bad, right? The extent to which you have to convince your electorate that things aren't going well in the country is a much shorter path in in 2006 than in 1994. They lied to get the power and have been lying ever since, what a pathetic movement. They did a really really bad job, a historically bad job, an even worse job if you compare how they've done to the promises they made in 1994, and an even worse job than that if you consider what 1994 was like compared to what they said it was like. If they hadn't made such a stink and claimed to be the saviors of America, then maybe we wouldn't be tossing them out the door without opening it. If they had been honest, the issues they felt were at issue could've been covered and, as is the purpose of government, a middle ground would've been found. But they couldn't have taken the house and Senate unless it became a crisis, because this was always about power, and not about the issues at all.

Along the way they had 100 hours of Senate testimony on the stamps Clinton was using on his Christmas cards and 4 hours on Abu Ghraib, they impeached a President with a 60% approval rating, and none of the people who were bringing accountabililty back to Washington have taken the blame for the leadup to Iraq, the plan for the aftermath and rebuilding of Iraq, the aftermath of Katrina, war profiteering, the 340 Trillion underestimation of the cost of war, the deficit, the last six budgets, the K street project, secret prisons, energy policy, and the outing of Valerie Plame. Nobody's responsible for any of that. It's a good thing because the Democrats are going to be probing to how all that went wrong, if anybody were responsible, that "anybody" should be nervous.

Boy, it was just a bunch of words wasn't it? Accountability, saviors, defending us against this enemy, the "Liberal." The irony is they've spent decades turning "liberal" into a word that liberals run from and then proceeded to spend twelve years themselves turning 'conservative" into a word they're running from. They are comic dopes of the highest degree.

Now that oversight has returned to Congress and it seems, the Senate, we'll get at least two years of them portraying themselves as the victim, decrying the mean Democrats for making people account for their mistakes and do time for their crime. They will claim often that the mean Democrats just "hate" the people they're revealing the criminal actions of. Oddly, they've become the liberals they decried, the perpetual victim minorities.

And if the Democrats did this much damage with all the lies they spread about what would happen to the country if the Dems took the lead. With all the dirty tricks they engaged in to suppress the vote. Then this is one hell of a mandate, the country would rather have Al-Qaeda-loving, child-murdering, child-raping, tax-raising, fags than the Republicans.

Oh, one last thing. Numerous vote-protection hotlines were set up to field complaints, because the Dems are mean that way. And to save America from this onslaught on our rights, some Conservative talk show asked it's listeners to jam their lines. Because...freedom? I personally don't understand these shock jocks in white collars they're like that guy who copied the guy who copied "Dice" Clay. Anyway, listen to this guy who called the line. This sums it all up. This guy is one pissed off conservative. But what is he pissed about. Even he doesn't know. I think that says it all.


Fred Mowery said...

He's all pissed off because A.) He's gonna lose and he knows it and B.) After sticking his righteous head in the sand for the past 6 years, basically the rest of the country called him out on his bullshit - and he has no way to defend himself because he's guilty as hell. Sarah and I listened to a Christian radio station this morning, and boy, I guess Jesus was just kidding when he said turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor, etc. Its war now, according to them. Fuck them.

Anonymous said...

And you just moved to the land of Arnold. Congratulations.


Anonymous said...

Ok, for reals now:

This is way too long overdue in my mind. I would get pissed off as more and more like-minded people would throw up their hands and say "there's nothing we can do, the Republicans have total control." Bullshit.

I am proud to be a Dem, and yes, even a Liberal, but I'm still stinging that the Dems in power weren't more vocal and take Bush to task more. Bush & co's genius (or stupidity emboldened by an apathetic country, depending) was they pulled a bunch of crap right out in the open. Come on, how many Dem politicians went on record outraged that we were going to overturn habeus corpus for terror suspects? How much did you even READ about that whole thing? If you bothered to dig down in the articles a bit (because damned if it wasn't in most of the headlines) you'd read about jaw-dropping crap Bush and Friends did each day. Bush pulled out all the stops to get the guy who tried to kill Daddy, taking away U.S. freedoms one by one "for our own protection" in the process. And we let him. Maybe it wasn't covered more, or maybe I missed it. But I can come up with only a handful of Democrats who went on record to try and challenge Bushies and the war: Boxer, Kennedy, Kerry, etc. Not enough for my taste. Maybe I'm naive, but when an administration pulls the stuff Bush has done and the Democrats (and the country) sort of turn the other cheek, we are just as much to blame. And something is really, really wrong.

Maybe this will wake people up, and maybe now the party will have the confidence to get the country back on track.


Adam said...

When your enemy is hanging himself, don't offer to cut the rope? But yes, they should've been more vocal, they have such a litany. It's really interesting how this rabid right-wing anger and outrage machine just stopped dead. On Air America all the right-wingers are calling in acting like they blanked out for six years and are perfectly normal. Weird. I think they figured out that if liberals and atheists like me own guns and study religion, then maybe there's a middle ground. They have nobody stoking their fire any more, they wore themselves out.