Thursday, May 5, 2005

I Kicked That Cold's Ass!!

Somehow I have an amazing ability to kick a cold's ass. I woke up yesterday with that "uh-oh, I have a cold" feeling, and ended the day with that "Holy shit, I'm sick as hell" feeling, you know how the first day with any cold goes. Well my miracle cure is a combination of sleep, gallons of Cranberry Juice, and lots of garlic or Indian Food. Oh, I also take Cold-eeze, but we all know that shit doesn't work, I just take it for the placebo effect, but then again, KNOWING that you're taking something for the placebo effect kind of negates the placebo effect, so there's that. So here I am today at work and the cold is as gone as is physically possible, it still feels like I have a cold simply because the parts of my body that got damaged have to heal in a realistic timeframe, but I KICKED THAT COLD'S ASS!

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