Tuesday, May 3, 2005

The Ridiculously Complex and Unsimplistic Phone I Want

The Phone I Want, originally uploaded by PinthGarnell.

-Adam, why do you want this phone?
-Because it's got everything.
-What do you need with all that stuff? Your new blue phone calls people.
- I know, but this one goes on the internet.
-Your on the internet right now without the phone.
- But I can get my email.
-Oh come on, you can do better than that.
-Hey, fuck off, it's a gadget, I'm a gadget guy, I need gadgets, okay?!?! This is the king of all gadgets, this gadget could kill any other gadget with an finger stab to the jugular of any other phone.
-Wait, one thing I know this phone can't do is finger stab another phone in a jugular that that phone doesn't have.
-Yeah, but it could learn how to ON THE INTERNET.
-That I can't disagree with. Allright, fine, trade in your simplicity-in-blue for the this crazy thing.
-Can't, don't have the money.
-Then what are we arguing about?
-Whether I should.
-But you can't.
-I know, but I should, if I could.

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