Monday, June 13, 2005


MAN-THING!!!!!, originally uploaded by PinthGarnell.

Okay, fuck Batman for just one second. Yeah, sure, I know, two days left. But today is the day, let me get seriously old school here, like Reb Brown old school. My favorite genre is and always has been The Live Action Superhero Movie (LASM) and once upon a time there weren't that many of them, which made my interest special. I'm excited for see Man-Thing because I've spent far more time in the LASM drought than in the present era-of-plentiful. Back then, if it wasn't a Batman year, you watched...whatever you could get your hands on, whether it be that shitty Generation X tv movie (Generation X - the Marvel Mutant Comic not everyone born in the 70's) (1993) which I proudly watched and taped or that Matt Salinger Captain America Movie (1992) which I own thank you very much, or even the David Hasselhoff Nick Fury TV movie, which I love. Yes it was all shit but prior to X-Men 1 how was a Superhero Movie nut to pass the time between The Phantom and The Shadow?

Which brings me to Man-Thing. You see, we're so spoiled now, we've got two Live Action Superhero movies coming out this summer, the third of year (Elektra, which I love, was released in February). Four if you include Man-Thing, which nobody would. While Warner Brothers (who owns DC comics was putting out Superman (1978) Marvel (independently owned) was putting out Spider-Man the shit tv show, while DC/Warner was putting out Batman (1989) Marvel was putting out The shit Punisher (Dolph!). Aside from the pilot episode of The Hulk, Marvel put out pure shit for it's entire existence up until Blade, from Captain America (79) to Fantastic Four (93), and now they're the golden boys but Man-Thing is sure to be shit, but that's the Marvel I know and love. THIS is the Marvel who made The Trial of The Incredible Hulk tv movie with the worst Daredevil ever and Sallah as Kingpin.

GODBLESS them and the Man-Thing out on video today. Today I'm back in 1988 and Blade had never been produced, and it never begat X-Men, and that never begat Spider-Man, The Hulk, Fantastic Four, Batman Begins, Superman Returns, and I know that this would be my only superhero fix for the year. So I'm buying Man-Thing today. I'm like Nicholas Hammond old school.

Now here's the question of the day. Will they run their spiffy Marvel Films logo in front of this one or disown it?

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