Monday, June 6, 2005

The Toolbox Murders, Pre-Porn Porn, and the Nerdiest thing I ever said

So I see the new Toolbox Murders is out, the one directed by Tobe Hooper (Texas Chainsaw Massacre). I haven't seen it but hae a great love for the original. It starts where all my interesting childhood stories start, with my childhood best friend Richard Jones. In the 1980's when VCR's had been invented, the big studios were unaware of how much money they were losing by not glomming onto this new format, there were hundreds of video stores bringing in unprecedented amounts of money and Hollywood was ignoring it. But the exploitation production companies were not. These guys were so independent they'd make the Weinstein's puke and if only the Weinsteins could see a return on their investment like these guys did, there likely will be no era like it again for indies. These guys were cranking out low-budge movies and selling for $100 a copy to stores that would make that back in a week based on the demand. Also Friday The 13th and Halloween had become money printing presses, money invested in making a slaher film had a guaranteed return on investment of thousands of times the money put in. It had a built-in market and could make tons of money in theatre's and then go onto video and clean up again. These two factors led to two things, LOTS of slasher movies, and Richard and I watching ALL of them.

One of the great advantages of slasher films was, not only were they good entertainment, but they all had nudity in them, which was a HUGE selling point and increased the butts in the seats, and definitely the amount of pre-pubescent teens watching movies they already wanted to see just based on violence alone!. In an age prior to getting our hands on real porn, this is how you saw women nude. The best nude scenes ever pre-porn were the shower scene in Porky's (duh), the sex scene in Scream For Help (Lolita Lorre), and the Nail Gun Girl in the original Toolbox Murders (Kelly Nichols). She was gorgeous and was nude for SO LONG. I later found out that she went onto a successful porn career, which is so weird, the girl from Toolbox that we all wanted as kids is naked somewhere else, and even dirtier.

This all brings me to the nerdiest thing I ever said. I was Odd Obsession and I was looking at their slasher collection and recognizing SO MANY old favorites, and I picked up the movie Pieces, at an advanced age, unable to be able to tell many of my old slasher movies apart I asked the Brian "Is this the one that takes place in the hotel? Because sometimes I get Pieces confused with Toolbox Murders and Driller Killer" I then stopped, and shook my head in embarrassment. Anywhere else I would've been made fun of, but luckily I was in Odd Obsession. Brian hugged me and said "It's okay, you're in a safe place." Godbless him.

1 comment:

Mark said...

The nerdiest thing I ever heard you say was, "You know, I actually don't know which Boba Fett shirt to wear."