Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I rant therefore I am

I took an amazing class in college, Media Analysis. Considering most homes have cable, and most cable has between 36 and 500 channels, there's a lot of media, and a lot of message, so I've always been an advocate for Media Studies as a requirement in High Schools, kids should be taught to pick apart the message they're being delivered whether it's buy cereal, buy a car, or buy our justification of bombing Iraq. My two new favorite websites are very effective at picking apart the message.

Here's two more proposals I wish the next Democratic Candidate would pick up .

Media Analysis as a required class in high schools. Fuck typing, cancel that shit, our children deserve better than what the media gives them. Pick the other side and try and justify why this shouldn't be taught, I don't think you'd win in a debate.

An FCC requirement to label television programs as Entertainment or News. And "News" should be monitored by a Federal Agency who fact checks everything seen in the above website. It's not fair that this stuff should go out as news when it's actually entertainment. How dare the Michelle Malkin'sof the world claim to be serious news analysts, you're an entertainer, just like Michael Moore, or maybe not, if you set up an agency to fact check "news" who would win, Michelle Malkin or Michael Moore? How come Michael Moore if considered a headline grabbing opportunist for the "radical left" and Michelle Malkin is a serious news analyst? You're the fucking dumb little pixie that I sat next to in Mass Com class who dreamed of being a local news anchor and has aligned herself with the best way to get famous, if there had never been a Rush Limbaugh and a Newt Gingrich you would be a fucking weather girl on El Paso channel 6.

What's funny is that the right supposedly hates the "famous" and "rich" like Tim Robbins. How much money you makin' on your stupid new book, Michelle, who gets more TV time Michelle, you or Susan Sarandon? And didn't you all essentially vote and continue to support the White House version of Tori Spelling? He's the son of a rich famous guy, he worked as hard for his lead role as Colin Hanks did for Orange County!! If you've ever said "I hate rich, famous Hollywood types, I love George Bush" You are a fucking idiot and should have your balls irradiated to prevent you from spilling your seed in any vagina on earth.

And WHAT THE FUCK IS THE RADICAL LEFT?!?!? You mean the Weather Underground? That's the last time the Left was radical, and I *believe* they've disbanded. You mean the radical left that wants universal health care? Holy shit, hide your kids! What about the radical right, Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph (1996 Olympic Park bombing), James Kopp (1998 abortion doctor shooting), and the 70 or 80 militias that started in the 90's, All stoked by the right-wing to defend their nation against...uh, Universal Health care.

I hope Michelle Malkin falls off a cliff. I don't want her to die, just bounce a lot on the way down.

The only great thing about all this is that the Right Wing message is getting more fevered, more wrong, more angry, more victimized, way dumber, and oddly...more confident. It's a wonderful recipe for epic public disaster that ought to set them back forever. Plus The White House is in deep shit, and these dumbshits are contractually obligated to spin every disaster, and disaster is on the way

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