Tuesday, August 16, 2005

You are supposed to be for the people, not above them

Mmm, Dissent, the other side of the argument, I love that there's another side of all arguments, a weaker or stronger side. If I've learned one thing from Schadenfreude, it's an intense love of Democracy at it's theorectical core. "You've got a better idea? Prove it, if you can, you win." To get an idea accepted you've got to be prepared, fight hard, and you better truly have a better option, because your argument will be tested, intensly. Bush needs to go a couple rounds with Kaufmann on what's funny and what's not.

Who would you trust more, someone who's willing to discuss the issue, or someone who refuses to because they're right? If you've got such a good argument, why would you need to cheat? The right wing propagandists need to be attacked for their move to stifle debate as very obvious evidence they're hiding something. Let's use their tactics on them, stifling debate is unamerican. There, now who's the dick? See, remove their ability to use that tactic by calling it unamerican, and the catch is, IT IS UNAMERICAN!! Could anyone who seeks to hush any side of an agrument be honest? Isn't that a sign, if not THE sign, of dishonesty? "We'll open the discussion for debate, but keep in mind if you take the other side, you are the devil...okay, opening comments, or do we just want to vote?" And they hold debate on issues and candidates to the same standard. Remember how they came out against the Democrats for fielding a candidate, remember when that was UnAmerican?

I think the word "Un-American" is Un-American. Why can't the Democrats come out and say that? They want to speak in syllogism, then shove it up their own asses? How could some component of the phrase House UnAmerican Activities Committee not be harshly scrutinized? Dissent has pulled us back from the brink from the most gruesome uses of Patriotism, and publicly embarrased people like Joe McCarthy, who was taken seriously for many years, hurting thousands. He could not be questioned, for it was unpatriotic to do so. I know you all know this, but why do we insist on repeating history? Actually, why do we insist on repeating Germany's history????

Name the last time Patriotism brought any good? World War II? It probably did raise some war bonds, but then World War II is the Star Wars of wars, everybody likes it, you don't even need to put it on the list, it's hard to come down on the side of Hitler unless you view him as the patriot who started the war, Patriotism put Asians in concentration camps, and it was to blame for the prolonging of the war. No matter which side you take on Hiroshima, you can blame Patriotism either way. Fascist Italy, like all fascism can be blamed on Patriotism. Let's start a War On Fascism in this country, Hilary should list off the 13 signs of Fascism, come out against it, and ask for any politician to take the other side, the Republicans would have to take the other side, right? See, shove their tactic right up their asses. Thoughts, I'll put it up for debate.

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