Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Technically 9-11 was a faith based initiative

Look at my left hand, look at my left hand, look, look, look over here. Slap.

I wholly support whatever you believe in, but don't believe a fucking word of this forced debate on intelligent design. You, Christian, are being used. Don't give it the time of day. It is a Rove-esque distraction of the highest magnitude designed to galvinize their side at a time when they are weakest. If you are a Christian you must support all Republican policies and this is a big attempt to say "You're still with us aren't you? Because remember, if you support one thing we support, you have support all the things we support." How do you like that? If you are a Christian, how do you feel about your religion being used to justify rich-ass Republican policies like this pork-barrell laden energy bill that was just passed? The 9 Billion of your tax dollars unaccounted for in Iraq. I'm sure Jesus would approve, or at least you better, if you're a Christian (therefore Republican) that is. Shit, even Jesus wasn't a Christian.


So will astrology be taught in astronomy class?

This is designed to convert, just like Prayer in schools (the hot topic that is SO next on their agenda), designed to convert kids to Christianity and thanks to the grand syllogism that is The Bush Administration, create young Republicans, because you can't be a Christian AND a Democrat, just like you can't disagree AND be a Republican, as Bill Frist has found out.

All I have to say about Intelligent design is, when did they stop teaching that in church? If you're a Christian, don't you get that in church? If your kids aren't being taught Intelligent Design, there's plenty of church's that will take you in, you should go and not redefine science based on political gain.

Is there no policy they can enact that is not 100% selfish? Are they ever going to get around to serving the people? And on top of that, they've taken away my right to disagree, I am now the enemy in another one of their enemy-creating syllogistic The Administration is awful at creating jobs but gangbusters at creating enemies, people for you to hate, pointing you in the other direction while they stick their hand in your pocket.

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