Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Belushi, Christ, Me...

Well it's my 33rd birthday and I think the chances of me getting crucified or dying of doing an entire eightball are slight.

Thank you to the many of you who have emailed or called or introduced me to Yacht Rock or MADE CUPCAKES FOR ME LAST NIGHT!, you are very sweet it's good to be loved, and Julie, cupcakes or no cupcakes I've always had much love for you, I just give you a lot of shit. Also thank you to Justin for the very flattering post on his blog.


You're right, I do look like Carson Palmer!

What to do...what to do... I usually spend my birthday shopping and shipping Christmas presents which is the worst. I try to get it done earlier every year...this was not one such year. I should probably write, I should always probably write. One of my Christmas gifts for my family this year is a video I meant to got them last year. Last year I videotaped a week in my life and was going to make a documentary about it. But so much happened that I had no time. So I'm sending them "Christmas Video 2004: The One Year Anniversary Special Edition!" So I'm editing last years video and doing commentary on what's happened since then. If you ever want a very surreal experience, videotape your life for a week and then look at it a year later. Jesus. 2004, good year, wouldn't want to live it again. My shitty roommate, the grind of the radio show, the projects I thought were so important that went nowhere, busy work, the dregs of the movie I was selling, the downward spiral of the company I was working for, all while preparing to go to Japan (which I couldn't afford but needed to get away!).

And this year. Much less going on. Probably purposefully. The fact is, doing work to fool yourself into thinking you're making progress is not making progress.

I should rent some movies at Odd Obsession. Or watch a bunch of Superhero movies. Probably the Superhero movies. Maybe Superhero movies at Odd Obsession. Like Danger Diabolik, ever seen it? It kicks ass, and it's available at the double-O.


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