It's that one lesbian from that one show! And boy is she cute. And boy is her hair short.
And boy is that a boy?
Nope. Definitely not. That's all woman, so all woman the she only likes women.
Damn. That is one pretty face, and those eyes. Yeesh.
Good call Julie. Did you know Julie was once a short-haired chick?
I'm going to print out her pictures and tack them up on my bedroom wall... those eyes, that pout... oh my.
And yes, I was a short-haired chick... but I was never this adorably sexy. Sigh. I was just bitchy. And I never wore high-tops. So there you go.
i duno if u knew but she was on americas next top model, if u go on the UPN website theres about 12 photos of her from all the photo shoots from the series
duno if u wanid 2 now tht but anyways ! lol bye xx
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