Monday, December 5, 2005

Update on The War on America


Divide divide divide, WAR! WAR! WAR! Get your war on. You are being attacked Mr. Working class. This radical element wants to take away your Christmas! If I were these white Christians, this oppressed majority, I just wouldn't take this oppression anymore. I would get the Republicans to pass a bill to round up non-Christians and have them executed in a secret CIA prison, yeah, I know, we are, but we should extend it to our home turf. Because if we can't eliminate certain voices from the public debate here then how are we going to bring Democracy to Iraq!?!? Answer me that you French Atheist Hippy Jews?!?!

Let's send these radical secularists like Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, and Franklin back to France!!!! (who I think we're are war with, I forget why, something about our Iraq war being a disaster, proved them wrong, or at least proved ourselves righteous).

Christians, they just can't catch a break.

Like there's a downside to Christianity?

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