Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The War on Christmas!

This is a pretty minor thing, created and stoked by by Fox News. The eternal victims, Christians (didn't that used to be a liberal thing? Poor us? Poor blacks, poor jews, poor working class? When did that switch?), have HAD IT UP TO HERE with your persecution, because, evidently, Christmas has been virtually banned from the United States because Target is saying Happy Holidays instead of Christ Be With You. This, of course, if because they're smart business people. Hard business and hard religion don't mix, which is why the Republican structure, while great at starting fights, great at creating enemies, great at campaigning, will never really last, it's an uneasy bedfellow.

Once again whether it's prayer in school, Christian song in school, Intelligent Creationism in school my argument can not be beat:

Don't they teach that in church?

If they don't, they should teach that and sing that and do that in church. It's a great country that way, you can do that in any church you choose. The government choosing it for you is a little thing the Pilgrims were pissed about. Founding fathers too. So much so that the God referenced in the Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence is deliberately left out of The Constitution. Then again what did Thomas Paine know that Dick Cheney doesn't?

Okay, preaching to the choir here. So my point is I've been listening to a ton of Air America radio ever since I discovered the glorious world of podcasting. I am a talk radio fan from way back before the "LIBERALS HATE IT!" marketing began a good thirteen years (boy it has been a long assault on the hearts & minds of this country hasn't it? how many times do I have to tell you I don't want to drink the fucking Kool-Aid, it looks funky and everyone around me is dying), and then I stopped listening except for Howard Stern, who is drop dead brilliant. But thanks to podcasting there are now billions of talk shows on topics so minute as Final Cut Pro fixes, inside Hollywood info, a husband and wife just chatting about the random shit of the day, Exceptional interviews with working screenwriters, and two minnesota restauranteurs who decided to move to L.A. to become screenwriters (my favorite). But my most listened to program is Majority Report with Sam Seder and Janeane Garofalo, partially because Sam Seder is funny and partially because I want to fuck Janeane Garofalo. When I discovered Air America and all their programs, it was a relief to not only hear non-Republican propaganda and lack of caution in perhaps saying that perhaps The Repblicans may have perhaps overstated their case for Iraq and perhaps they knew other wise and perhaps somebody died. The sky, of course, is perhaps blue...if you're a mainstream journalist.

So...uh...back to the point, Sam Seder, the lovely Janeane's co-host had a very funny segment on CNN mocking the Republicans who started this War On Christmas and gets some real good jabs in.

1 comment:

Fremodada said...

Gotta get you some Colbert Report. He's been running his own segment lately and its been awesome.