Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Your tax dollars at work.

Don't know much about the largest congressional corruption scandal in 100 years? Now you do.

We hire them and pay them to administer the Constitution, to do the will of the people, particularly the people's will to have Suncruz owner Gus Boulis murdered gangland style after selling his cruise line to Adam Kidan.

It's good to see the we've advanced from fucking the Indians by merely killing them to the more genteel modern form of fucking them over through representative Democracy, YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY!

Also note A) How gay Ralph Reed is and B) That a Christian leader is wrapped up in all this. I'm sure Christ would be happy, Ralph, except he didn't like money-changers, I'm sure he just meant the Jewish ones, you go girl.

You know there was a time when pilgrims came here to seek refuge from a world in which they could not pay tax dollars to representatives to have them make disparaging statements on the House floor to force a cruise line owner to sell to a representatives firend at a depressed price, pilgrims who could never even dream of a day in which they, themselves could have their business closed due to a lawmaker-created financial crisis, only to see it magically re-opened after paying $4.5 million dollars to same lawmakers.

I know it's tough to think of what it might be like to live in such an age, a time where a simple working class shoemaker or fish peddler had no representative government to deregulate rules and regulations on sweatshops and sex clubs in the Marianas islands for them. But that was a long time ago, and what was once a dream for the common man is now a reality. Thank you check and balanceless representative democracy, if I forgot to say it this morning, thank you.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
-Benito Mussolini (fine American)

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