Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Clint Eastwood says hi...

Well, I haven't met him yet, but I will. The halls at Scott Sternberg Productions are alive with people at the crack of dawn. I always loved the crack of dawn because whenever you worked a shoot, that's when life began, lots of strangers coming together for one goal, to make the day. When i worked my nightshift at The Sears Tower I always loved the cracking blue of dawn because it reminded me of production, now, for the first time in seven years the crack of dawn reminds me of production because I'm a part of one. Barbie Pritchard, sister to Tommy and the greatest person on earth has really hooked me up. I stayed up all night logging footage for Square Off and now I'm working as a PA across the street at on the set for a double feature of Shoot Out with Peter Bart and Peter Guber and Square Off. Shoot Out is one of my favorite shows, and I have very few. It's so movie insider, I'm such a nerd that I'm as excited to meet Bart and Guber as I am Eastwood. Peter Guber was one of those guys I read articles about all the time when I was a burgeoning film nerd in High School, for some less than flattering info on Jon check out the book Hit & Run. I will probably meet none of the above, but seeing them from afar is good enough for me. Then back over here to finish the Sizzle Reel.

I interviewed for a job at Deluxe Film Labs which is a total desk job, but there's a financially flagging part of me that would take the job because I need that security to really get going here. But I think they could tell in the interview that I'm not the desk jockey type. Plus there's a drug test and I think they saw my eyes go wide at that. What can I say, I love Angel Dust.

It would be a shame to give up the awesome rush and fun of production for a desk job, but after this HUGE favor from Barbie Pritchard, who knows what I'll be able to scare up. There's also this writing job, but I was supposed to get him a sample yesterday and have been editing all night so I think i've blown that.

Hope you're all doing well.

1 comment:

Don Hall said...

Hang in there, brother!

If it was easy, everybody'd do it well and fast.