Wednesday, October 11, 2006

(singing) Gotta get a job gotta get a job gotta get a jooooooooob.

Hey all,

I've been busy as hell applying for jobs so I haven't had time to give you a blow by blow account of...well looking for jobs. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept.


Assistant Office Manager for Taxicab Confessions
Writer for Movies. com
Writer for The Style Network
Production Assistant for G4's "Cheat!"
Production Assistant/Office Manager for "The Insider"


Customer Service - Call Center
Account Manager
Sales Associate


Customer Service - Call Center
Account Manager
Sales Associate

I've had so much help so far. Barb Pritchard, sister to Tommy (who can be seen stealing Stephe's bike in Biegfriend & Broy in the Screening Room), wife to "LA Ray" works at the TV Guide channel and has been snooping around for any positions.

Whoa, I just typed that and Tommy Pritchard just called, from Iraq. Weird. Tommy says hi. It's so weird that when I talk to Tom he's in Iraq, I feel honored that I'm on his list of people to call from the other side of the Earth. I've never been much of a pray-er, but do so for Tom every night.

I've had help from Connor Kalista who called out of the blue "to catch me before I became some L.A. asshole." He gave me the advice to call the studios to find out what temp agencies they use, clever guy that Connor. Connor, if you don't know, was one-half of the team that put up Robot Jox/Metalstorm at "It Came From The Neo-Futrarium." The other half was Sandy Marshall and they beat the fuck out of each other. I have video, but now my copy of Metalstorm is in an attic in Kentucky so I can't do the back and forth montage I wanted to. I'll get around to it.

I've had help from Tim Jennings, who's a producer at G4. Now this is an old Schad fan. Tim used to come to The Heartland waaaaay back in the day, I'll be going to see his show at IO next week. I'll tell him you say hi.

So everybody's looking out for me and it's all about getting the job until you get the job. I've also had an offer to dial for dollars to fund an indie film just like I did in Chicago. Its a Western starring Willie Nelson, Rip Torn, and Stacy Keach. Sounds like it might be worth it. The last thing I want to do is dial for dollars, but I have a feeling there's a lot more experience to be gained in distribution here than there was in Chicago.

I just wrote the cheesiest cover letter for Fox Studio's own in-house temp agency. Yes, Fox has it's own temp agency, and you have to send a headshot (that's a joke, but who wouldn't buy that). I'm embarrassed to publish it, but whatever, actually I'll just share the last line.

I’ve worked in deadline-driven, high-pressure environments and have enjoyed the results. I look forward to enjoying my results with your company.


Adam Witt





Vicki said...

Please, I'm begging you, don't rule out the Willie gig!

diane said...

Who da? What da? Here I was just casually lurking in on the Schadenfreude site for the first time in like, FOREVER, and I find out Adam is in L.A.?!
Well. Good luck Adam! It was nice running into you a couple months ago!