Monday, November 27, 2006

Random Photo Post

Hey all, hope you had a good weekend and mourned the loss of Robert Altman by watching 3 Women or California Split or heck, even MASH or Nashville. One of the best things I ever was a part of was Chris Sienko's Stiff-Legged Film Festival #1, the complete, and I mean complete, works of Robert Altman. Check out the complete list and schedule here.

Chris tracked down every single Robert Altman film (impossible in 2002), and I mean H.E.A.L.T.H., A Wedding, Images, O.C. and Stiggs, EVERYTHING. Even the three films he made prior to MASH, including a documentary on James Dean. We watched them all from 8am to Midnight every day for two complete weekends. It was an amazing education, and you can't walk away from something like that without being a big big fan. He just cranked films out so fast that there's an energy there of an improvisational career, taking on challenge after challenge, truly enjoying the chaos of production, finding his way through every genre, and playing. He was constantly at play, like a kid, clearly being more inspired by what was happening on set than he was any concept of career or any standard convention of what movies were supposed to look like. Most people have never heard of 90% of his films, and those 90% are fascinating. Just playing and experimenting his ass off. Well, take care buddy, all the films I have yet to make owe a debt of gratitude to his ability to find the movie after you've started. Every production has to do that to a degree anyway, but nobody made an art form of that very concept the way Robert Altman did. I got to see Prairie Home Companion while at the South by Southwest Film Festival with the film I produced. Now I have an extra memory to take away from that exciting week.

Photo clearing house

Here's a couple things I've been meaning to put up. The week I left Chicago I had one more job to do with the Illinois Lotto, a funny summer job I happened into. They had a big promotion that had been running all year and the big winners were announced the week I left. They had a big ceremony where they announced the winner before the Cubs game, so here's a picture of me, during the rehearsal, STANDING IN WRIGLEY FIELD! Yes, the week I left Chicago I got to walk onto the field. So cool.


I didn't go home for Thanksgiving for the first time in my life, casualties of the move. Which means I missed seeing my cousin for the first time since he moved to Japan for a year. My cousin and I have a storied past in which we did a lot of fun, well-documented, rambunctious stuff. Here he is holding the trophy he won in our one-on-one lacross, a sport we invented.


Skinny much? FYI - The buttons on my jeans jacket say "Ask me about my lobotomy" and "Have a nice day, dipshit."

Amongst the memories of Joe and myself are our obsession with shopping carts and dressing like it was 1988 in 1988. Here's some shots of the cuz and I in 1988, Bam Margera style.



Also I shot a short film with Paul Preston last weekend and wanted to post a couple pics of the shoot.


There I am booming, once again.


Bart was an extra, he likes to get on the set every once in a while to remember what he hates about shooting shorts.


Also, a few posts back I went to Malibu with Ryan Anglin.


And Ryan Akers.


They drank alcohol, which I would never do.


We went to Point Dume, where they shot the end of Planet of The Apes.


I raised the ire of locals by being the ten billionth person to drop to my knees and yell "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!"


Here's the dog that tried to bite me.


Here's the motel I stayed in.


Here's my car.


Dog tried to bite that.


Here's the Mormon Tabernacle.



ThBigB said...

Well done Mr. Witt with the Fletch references... well done good sir.

Did you know that the song "The Condition my Condition Is In." of Lebowski fame was sung by none other than Kenny Rogers... yes, that Kenny Rogers.

Adam said...

Check out the big brain on ThBigB. No I did not. The original version or the one in the movie? It doesn't sound like him. I'd love to find the original Kenny Rogers version as I'm a big fan of his collaboration with Wyclef.

Thanks for pointing out the Fletch reference, I was counting down the minutes until my Mom called and asked if I was bitten by a dog.

kp said...

Hey thank you very very much, Adam! Remember that picture you posted? The one of the Planet of the apes? Remember that one? Well it is a guy magnet!!! I used it for a free online dating service and I am getting so many responses!! Dates, phone numbers, emails and emails and I.M's. I didn't even post a pic of me, and they want me!!! listen to some of what these guys are saying:
E says; Are you trying to say that this place is full of a bunch of APES?
babybruce: You sound like the perfect girl!
Send a picture of yourself and if you are still looking, let's talk.
popfan:Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he
kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his
brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his
home and yours. Shun him! For he is the harbinger of death.
Dr. Cornelius
kee says:Hello, . I like your headline. It's cool. You sound like a romantic lady. I'm a romantic man and I am looking for a good woman for a long term relationship. We all must start as friends.
onlythekindbud: (my fav) hey there , how r u ?
terrrapin: Hi you from Mike

I liked your profile and we live close to each other. I responded to your profile so that you might learn more about me and decide if you would like to respond back and possibly meet.
I recently moved to LA for work (from Northern California/Sacramento). My profession is a physician pathologist and I work at an independent lab that processes and interprets pap smears and gynecologic pathology biopsies located near the Van Nuys airport. hmmm wonder what kinda of date we'd have.. and many many more. I give thanks all to you, my friend