Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Spider-Man 3 poster!


Daaaaaaaaaaaamn. I've said it before, I'll say it again, I never imagined in my live-aciton superhero lovin' lifetime that I'd see a passable Spider-Man movie, much less a great one, much less a perfect, much less three of them. I'm just speechless.


Justin K. said...

How do you know Spiderman 3 is going to be good? It could be like X-men. BOOOM, I SAID IT. XMEN-2 SUX!

Adam said...

Allright Kaufmann, are you trying to start trouble? That'll be enough of that. You gotta stop watching movies with your wife if you want to start liking them. How could one not like X-Men2? Who could see Wolverine bust so much unholy ass when the army invades the mansion and not love that movie? Who could see Colossus transform and not love that movie? Nightcrawler? I'll tell you who? A fucking Nazi! Why don't you tell them why you shave your head JK. TELL THEM!!