Monday, May 16, 2005

My Mom Mommed the shit out of my new place

The new apartment looks Mom-tastic since Mom came by last weekend. Always invite your Mom to visit sometime in the the first week after moving, before there was just a bunch of cardboard boxes of stuff. Now there's candles and vases and nightlights and huge jar of decorative peppers in the kitchen, which I would, of course, never buy, but hey, they look kind of nice. I guess a fall color scheme has been chosen for the kitchen of the men of 5720, good call Mom, I always felt beer cans looked better on dark orange and pine green than my previous color scheme. So she's bringing in all these candles and glade plug-ins and Mom-what-not, but I had a cold, which I've documented thoroughly on my blog and I had no idea until a couple days after she left that the place was a plethora of scent! A feast for the unstuffed nose, if you will. Also she smudged the place, um, for anyone not in the know, smudging is a process by which freaky new age kooks burn some weeds in your house to get rid of bad spirits. Also I have crystals in my window...because do something with energy, whatever it is is good. So...that's Mom.

1 comment:

Princess said...

I have been a victim of your Mom's Momming talents at my house.

I came home one day to find twinkle lights on my mantle, and things pulled out of cupboards and displayed proudly. Apparently I have a plethora of props for your Mom to play with. I also got a bright pink "Princess" nightlight.

I have found crystals and bloodstones all around the house - gifts from - you guessed it - your mom.

You may have noticed when you were here in KY...then again, the big screen TV and Star Wars boxed set did hold your attention most of the time.

Your mom is a blessing and a treasure. I have thoroughly enjoyed being mommified by her with the exception of the ugly white and green vase incident. Its to horrible to think about. You are better off not knowing.

While my house has not been smudged, (I do have the herbs and shell sitting here, along with a book she gave me on how to do it), I think she did smudge me, and she did some other things with wands and crystals and such, that I really cant explain. Shortly thereafter I had to have surgery...

We are very lucky to have her.

Lee Ann