Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bush Is Debating Himself Again

George W. Bush, on Kosovo 4/9/99:

“Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is...I think it’s also important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn.”

George W. Bush, on Iraq 6/24/05:

“It doesn’t make any sense to have a timetable. You know, if you give a timetable, you’re — you’re conceding too much to the enemy."

I can't figure out which one to agree with, but disagreeing with the Iraq policy is unpatriotic, and I can't have that.

By the way, I am enjoying such Schadenfreude right now watching him squirm. He sounds worse and worse, his arguments get thinner and thinner (starting at a negative anyway) and his definsive tone gets bigger and bigger and it all sounds so floundering. It's wonderful. I remember almost buying the Iraq WMD thing back in the day just because to lie about such a thing and get caught would be fucking brutal, but he did, and now he's been caught, and no yellow magnetic ribbons can save him. I love it. He earned it, and it's going to make Iran/Contra look like Lewinsky scandal should've looked.


Roberto said...

I'm thinking that people with yellow magnetic ribbons should just cut to the chase and buy a bumper sticker reading, "I Hate Muslims."

Fremodada said...

I saw a great bumper sticker the other day:

"I support our soldiers more than you support our soldiers"

Adam said...

Those yellow ribbons are the Neo-Cons swastika. I like how Durbin's comments were immediately twisted so that his words had hurt the troops, you get that? Criticism of the Administration hurts the troops, nice try you fucking dicks. If that hurt the troops then this impeachment ought to kill 1700 of them...oh, no, wait, BEING OVER THERE is hurting the troops.