Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Look how fucking cute these fucking kittens fucking are

So somehow my Mom and Justin's wife Julie psychically got on the same page about me getting a cat at the same time and started emailing me about it.

I am completely a cat guy.

The first pet I got when I was 5 was a black and white named Kitty Hawk, though because of her weird meow she would be dubbed Me-Me the rest of her life. It was the only cat we ever had that was allowed in the house (living in the country we had like 20 or 30 at one time). Loved that cat, best cat ever, it would talk every time you touched it and it liked me better than everybody else, slept with me, the whole nine. Then we got a dog, which I could take or leave. Then I got another black & white cat, a male named Pomponio, who was cool for like a day, then turned into steroid super uber male cat that nobody in their right mind would allow in the house. He was our first outside cat and proceeded to walk the woods and screw anything that moved leading us to have 20 or 30 cats, thanks Pomp. Pomponio would dissappear for up to two years at a time, then come back and hang out for a week, then leave for another year, each time coming back with a new ear gnawed off, a limp, an eye missing, tail crimped, each time he had obviously been in a new fight, and won. I don't think he ever lost. Pomp kind of sucked, but you had to admire him, I was way closer to some of our other cats, like BartholoMew, the cat so lazy he wouldn't get out of the way of the fucking car tire while we were backing up once, which was the perfect way to go for the laziest cat you've ever seen in your life, and it's not like we were backing up fast.

So I am getting closer to getting a cat, but never thought about getting two until Mom sent me this picture of two cats, male and female, black & white Pomponio & MeMe that are for sale. Super cute. Give them a home, Call 773-777-2891 or e-mail, but if you pick up the cats based on seeing them on my blog, you have to name the one without the dotted nose MeMe.



Justin K. said...

Homey, just get one. Trust me from a Schad brother to another, just get one. Ask Mike Andersen, who had Cole and a Train, I believe. You only met Cole because Train got currazy and they had to snap it's neck or take it to a farm...

Justin K. said...

Get them both! I'll take you! LET'S GO! COME ON!

However, I think you should name them either "Martini" and "Rossi" or "Morris Day" and "The Time".

p.s. this is from Julie. Your blog doesn't allow for "annonymous comments", so Justin let me use his login.

Fremodada said...

Go to Treehouse on Carmen - lots of cool cats there. If you're lucky and get two, they may battle for you like ours do.