Friday, August 12, 2005

Okay, I'm calling time, it's getting out of control.

Wanna see something really scary?

Gives you shivers, doesn't it. I know, I know, it's Fox and of course they're insane and a right-wing puppet, but maybe that's what's so scary, I know these are Republican thoughts. These are the talking points, these are what they claim to believe to get more votes. They have gone so low. They are attacking the mother of a dead soldier. They really hate soldiers don't they. If an alien came down from space all of this would be tough to explain, they would just assume the administration has declared a war on soldiers. John Kerry didn't serve in Vietnam well enough, That guy in Texas who lost an arm and leg in Vietnam didn't serve well enough, and George, Don, and Dick didn't serve, well...

Please, put Bill O'Reilly on a night detail in Fallujah, please just give him one night of suppressive heat, live fire, strange approaching cars, the disdain of the locals, and a language barrier. Let's see you last the night cynical boy.

And scarier.

"in bed with the radical left?"

Meaning "bad." So the left IS bad, it's presupposed in that sentence. All things left are bad. All things in opposition to the administration are left. Opposing the war is left. The left is bad. Opposing the war is bad. When are they going to make that statement a little more concrete and actually intern the left in prison camps, that'll make people come to their sides, right? If you had a choice of Republicans or jail, you'd go R and rat on your friends, right? Listen to what he's saying. If you go to Michael Moore's website you sleep with the enemy, so much syllogism.

"Do you believe that we're a bad country and evil country."
"Do you have Michael Moore's view of the U.S.?"
"If you had to choose, would you go with President Bush or Michael Moore?"

Really, the radical left has kidnappped this one woman and brainwashed her to make her dislike war? They are crafty. I love how they've made the radical left this mythological creature. I wonder if they had to look long and hard for a woman who's son had died?

Evidently their problem with Cindy Sheehan is that she's politiciszing her son's death to prevent further deaths. I'm glad the right can put themselves above that, you know, POLITICIZING THE WAR!!!!

How cynical must you be to release talking points on this woman, and how much more cynical must you be to call her a flip-flopper on her opinion of her son's death. I hope Bill O'Reilly's son dies. Does that sound mean? Can it possibly be mean? I hop Bill O'Reilly's son dies


Fremodada said...

O'Reilly. I saw an awesome spot where Al Frankin and Bill O'Reilly were arguing in some public forum. O's like Bush - take him away from the rehearsals, his set, etc, and you get an idea of just how stupid he is. I mean, really, really, really dumb. At one point, he threatened to sue Frankin in front of 100+ people, and Frankins like a Lion on a praire full of crippled Antelopes -"Please. I beg you. I dare you - sue me." Because it would never have held, and Frankin could have countersued for millions.

Got to be careful thought. The more this year is dragging on, the more I get the idea that the Republicans aren't going to make the mistakes of the past. If Dean turns out to be the chessmaster that everyone makes him out to be, then they'll get enough of the house and senate to take away Bush's powers.

Adam said...

And losing the house in Senate on top of 21 potential administration indictments on the plame case, plus an impreachment (seeing as the plame case will show the lies that went into the war), the real Republicans will run far far away from this power grab and act like real people again. Whew. It'll be fun to watch the evil one go down in flames though. I believe only those who deserve should get what they do.