Sunday, January 1, 2006

Happy Sit Around In Your Flannell Lazy Pants Day!

I am obsessed with my Flannell Lazy Pants. And my percolator - had a cup of Folgers the rivaled Intelligentsia and a cup of intelligentsia that rivaled an orgasm. Still looking for an excuse to use the damn heated blanket. 33 years I've wanted one and it's 50 in January and my radiators are working again.

Happy 006, y'all. A lot to look forward to this year. As I write this and look at all the projects Schadenfreude has jump started in post-radio 2005 that will come to fruition in 2006, I'm amazed. All of it might happen, none of it might. Such is artistic pursuit for profit. In this year Schadenfreude may very well publish a book, sell a screenplay, shoot a feature, win a short film festival, cut a CD, cut a DVD compilation, start a t-shirt imprint, and quadruple the amount of content found on I might produce another feature for my company, I might see the previous film in theatres, the screenplay I wrote last year may get financed and shoot this year, I might move to L.A. Or none of this might happen. Such is life.

One thing about #006 that I know for sure will happen is that I will believe a man can fly.


Super New Years to all readers of and


Vicki said...

Lazy Flannel Pants are the best! Plus, we had a water main break down the road that shut off our water for several hours, so we didn't even have to take our LFP's off to shower! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Adam said...

I love the Flannel Lazy Pants, best thing I ever got that I never knew I needed. It's only when I got hte lazy pants that I realized I've spent the past couple decades in jeans from wakeup til bedtime, how uncomfortable.

Marshall said...

More posts that just say "Anus," please.
