Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Short-Haired Chick Friday


So last night's Schadenfreude meeting sucked. We just argued about Iraq. I lost. All truth is first conspiracy. Nobody knows the truth. The burden of proof is on me, Bush is assumed innocent, my thoughts on deliberate wrongdoing is conspiracy. I can't prove any of it.


Nobody argues anymore whether George Bush lied us into war, we now argue whether it was justified that we be lied to. Until it can be proven that George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, and Colin Powell invaded Iraq for anything other than altruistic purposes, they are, by default, telling the truth.


All I know is I believe in human weakness. There are weak humans. This is a fact. Greedy humans have existed. Humans have sought power to the exception of accepted social standards. Domination and Power are intoxicating to a certain demographic. Humans have existed of flawed perception and defective judgement whether in nature or nurture. Therefore the acknoledgement that such weakness exists allows for possibility that the above mentioned people have those flaws.


So fuck them and fuck Alito. Call your Sentator. 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. Tell them to vote for no cloture (filibuster) on Alito. Durbin and Obama may vote No on Alito and Yes on Cloture. We can't have this.


For extra credit call Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, or John Kerry - and tell them to either LEAD THE FILIBUSTER or FORGET ABOUT YOUR SUPPORT for their 2008 Presidential Bid. You can also send that message to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (202-224-2447) and the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000). Do it.

It's time to bring all the facets of this slowly revealed ideology brought to the stage for debate, quit hiding it. Tell the citizens of the US what you stand for and quit hiding behind blatant lies, obfuscation of debate, tricky reframing of discourse, and marginalization of opposition opinion in what is supposed to be the standard-bearer of Democracy. Enough. There has to be a turning point, it's time for the Dems to declare this is where they finally stand their ground or fuck them too. If this isn't a turning point I don't know what is. Which road does the country go down?


I can't prove that Alito will trade objective judgement for loyalty to a democratically unpopular ideology. But I allow for the fact that such a flaw may exist in this man.



Justin K. said...

Today's Thursday.

Adam said...

Oh...yeah. God I can't keep anything straight. By tomorrow nobody will notice.

Fremodada said...

*I* appreciate this being early. Because Sigourney is HOT. I think I fell in love the first time when I saw Aliens, when she's gunning down all of the drones and the pulse rifle is bouncing her...well, she is just incredible.

As far as politics go, the more I read, the crazier I get. Its astounding when you look at the years of the Republican party, and how they operate. Then look at the Democrats, and its interesting to see just how similar they are once you get past all of the crap.
That guy in Ohio that is an Iraq veteran, running for Senate after he barely lost the Congressional seat? Turns out he doesn't know jack shit about the issues - and he's admitted as such on tv. Whoever is running these guys is ruining the party big time. Bill Cardoso needs to come out of retirement/tv and get these bastards back on track.

Adam said...

Sigourney is all you Fred. I guess I posted early because I liked the bit of talking about something completely different in between the pictures.

Adam said...

I like the guy from Ohio, Paul Hackett, because he's not one of these 90's centrist Dems. He's one of the new breed that's not afraid to call the bullshit out and fight. "I don't like the son of a bitch in the whitehouse" is a quote from Paul Hackett while campaigning. I doubt we'd get such honsety from Hilary. There's a great story about him campaigning before he lost to Jean Schmidt, who two months ago called Vietnam Vet John Murtha a coward (and who know better than a housewife from Ohio fillled with talking points), some Ohio blowhard started calling him names and a saying he was a disgrace to the victimes of 9/11 and Hackett (in the middle of campaigning) bumped chests and asked him if he wanted to go, to fight right there. The guy walked away. Hackett said, see, they're all like that, they're cowards. I like that.

Fremodada said...

I like Hackett a lot, too. But he also needs to have some sort of grasp on the issues. When he was asked about illegal immigration, his response was "uh...don't know. We should ship them all back if we can afford it." Very black and white. The guy's a combat soldier, and I respect the hell out of him. When his opponent called Murtha a coward (specifically, said she knew someone in Iraq who called him one), she was shouted down by both sides of the aisle, and supposedly a few congressmen came up to her, told her that they knew shw was paid for and to shut the fuck up. But back to Hackett - its like Jesse the Body - nobody took Jesse seriously until he showed he had a command of the issues. I think that's Hackett's achilles heal. He's definitely an expert where war is considered, but unfortunately, that's not what all Americans care about.