Friday, January 13, 2006

You Want Your Assed Kicked? It's Short-Haired Chick Friday

Today we present a short-haired chick that could kick your ass, not because she played someone that could kick your ass or because she was paid to train martial arts for years, but because she's just one kickass chick.


Actually I don't know if Carrie-Anne Moss is a true badass, but I have a feeling that she's someone you don't push around. I like tough chicks, chicks who won't take any shit, who can hold their own in a man's world. I have the feeling Carrie-Anne. The great thing about tough chicks is that they're still chicks. A girl who shaves her head, rides Harleys and gets in barfights still has painted toenails under those jackboots. Not that Carrie-Anne's necessarily any of that.


But she portrays that. In fact THAT is the character of Trinity, warrior, fighter, tough-gal...lover. She doesn't smile, keeps the hair short takes and gives punches in The Matrix.


But in the real world, the toes are painted.


So in summation, Carrie-Anne Moss is everything I love about short-haired chicks.

Kudos to the Wachowksi Brothers for this casting choice. There's nothing more annoying than trying to push off some buxom flowing blonde haired chick as Ms. Kickass.

fantastic four jessica albaOrig

I don't buy Angelina Jolie, or obviously Drew Barrymore (though that's kind of the joke of Charlie's Angels and Charlie's Angels 2: Shit Sandwich) and it's too easy to cast that person. Carrie-Anne Moss is the unpopular choice for fear that the audience will not find her sexy. And the audience doesn't...but they do.

I've spent too much time of my life in film classes debating that it's unfeminist to dress a woman like a man so that she may do action, that she must become a man and sacrifice her femininity to be strong, that it shows there's a subliminal message that there's no strength in being a woman.


As I've said in all those classes, fuck that and fuck you, those toenails beneath the jackboots are painted.


And doubly fuck you when it comes to Trinity, that masculine/feminine dichotomy is firmly in place on the screen as Matrix/Real World, and just for a little extra fuck you she also gets to be mother of the future like the very masculine Sarah Conner (which spurred the age-old debate when I was in film school. By the way, if Mindy Peiper's reading this, sorry, I think I was a little hard on you). Then again Larry Wachowski is having a sex change so maybe that muddles this topic.


Oooh! A politically charged short-haired chick Friday.


Fremodada said...

She's got the best female trapezius muscles in Hollywood. NOBODY looks better in a tank top.

Adam said...

And best reference to a muscle group goes to...

Is that how you got Sara, Fred? You had me at Trapezius Muscles.