In which her hair is long (but fake long) today I re-present the tumultuous story of a short haired chick and the fanboy who dared to love her.
And she stars in two of my favorite comic book movie guilty pleasures Resident Evil 1 & 2.
But she made it into the Short-Haired chick category when she got the Skip Ross bowlcut in Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc.
Does she look too manly with the bowl cut? No way, I think that haircut has to come back. Any girls out there up for the task? Coooooome on.
So thinking of featuring Jeanne D'Arc today I did a search and it turns out that she has been a short haired chick at other times. times. If you're at work you miiiiiight want to bow out at this point.
Milla, the one short-haired chick featured so far that I am positive would never talk to me and might even pay to have me beat up.
1 comment:
...until you have that Sharon Carter part in Captain America for her to pine for. Trust me on this.
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