Thursday, March 9, 2006

What movie?, J.D., Fuck the Red Bull Guy, and Are you talkin' to me? It's Austin update part 2

Heaven's What?

We hit a coffee shop and grabbed Austin's version of the reader, The Austin Chronicle, doesn't list our film. Um...that sucks. You go to all the trouble to get an Oscar Award winner in your film thand then David Strahtairn goes to all the trouble of getting nominated for an Academy Award, plus Leelee Sobieski, Anthony Mackie, and that son of a bitch from American Psycho (not Christian Bale) and we can't even get in the fucking free paper. Ahhhh indieville.

So we're getting up early to post posters on every streetcorner, stuff handcards in the free paper, and push the film on passersby. Too bad I have absolutely no experience doing this for a comedy troupe for eight years.


Last week Charley cold called an Austin attorney named J.D. and sent him an investment offering, today Charley called him and he answered as if they were life-long friends. Usually they answer like you've got a lot of nerve calling again after they entertained you by pretending to be interested the first time.

Lawyer for Legal B HTML

J.D. invited us up to his rooftop office and for drinks. Weird. So weird that we were intrigued and had a face-to-face pitch. He ecorted from his penthouse which looked over all of Austin to his crazy nice palm tree lined bar patio with river overlook to talk over a drink. Everyone knew the guy and he introduced us to everyone as "famous movie makers." Something which moved from flattering to condescending. Overall pretty random, and fun. Here's the kicker. I don't think he'll invest. The next film we're making is based on the story of Sacco & Vanzetti. A topic very very very far from my heart. I write comedy. And horror movies. At the very very very end of much talk of skirt-chasing and vicodin with pretty much a complete stranger he quickly jumped to the topic of "Saw" and how that was a license to print money. He ended the convo by saying "If you guys have a horror movie, that's something I'd invest in." We do. It's already set up as an LLC for investors. But we're not here to get investors for that. But glad he brought it up.

Taxi Driver
For many years I've been a constant reader of Aint It Cool News, which is headquartered in Austin. They're always talking about cool events that take place at the Alamo Dafthouse In addition the Quentin Tarantino Film Festival takes place every year at the Alamo. So the Alamo has become a legend to me. A place I've always wanted to go, and the first place I went. Tonight they were showing Taxi Driver.


So I just got back from seeing a real 35mm print of Taxi Driver on the big screen. Wow. What an experience. Good film anyway, but to be captive to the brutal grittiness of Taxi Driver with that score driving into your head in shitty stereo. I was floored. Just a filmwatching experience I'll never forget. In fact the midnight movie at the Alamo is a film I've always wanted to see, the 1980 Lucio Fulci Italian Horror Classic, City Of The Living Dead! So yes, Virginia, the Alamo does kick ass.

oh, one more thing...
As we were entering the Drafthouse 4 twenty-something Red Bull hookers were walking out of a bar where they were handing out Red Bull.


They started walking the other way. I said "hey, could I get a Red Bull?" They all turned to me, looked, and then made the most deliberate ignore me turn I've ever seen. Just a supreme "fuck off." Very funny. Very High School.

Okay Zombies await on Congress street. Talk to you tomorrow. Peaches.

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