Monday, May 1, 2006

CIF Wrapup 2006!

Improv Fest Weekend

Boy do I love going to The Athaneum and not having to put up a show. I really love the comedy "scene" in Chicago. I don't think such a thing exists to such a level in any other city. And the scene is never more of a scene than during CIF weekend. So when I'm once-again squeezed into the Lincoln Tap Room, the whole world smelling like I've got two cigarette's shoved up my nose, seeing some of the cream of the crop of comedy that's gone away, gotten famous, and come back, I'm always quite pleased.

My Favorite things about the CIF

"Did you hear Pitts ate four hotdogs? Yeah, it's getting out of control..." or "Did your hear Don Hall literally shit on the building manager's desk?" Go Don!

The Lincoln Tap Room
The only time I go to the place, when it's full of familiar faces and very funny people.

Newly Successful Friends
Dan Bakkedahl, is now on the Daily Show, Frank Caeti is now on MADtv. At one time Ike was back after just getting on MAD. I always seem to sense that getting recognized is a little off-putting for some of the Chicago people that take off, and I always sense that being back amongst friends for the CIF is relaxing to them.

Horatio Sanz and Jerry Minor
I've stood next to Horatio and Jerry at so many bars for so many years.

Shows I Never Get To See
I saw "Play" starring Dan Bakkedahl, Pete Grosz, Deb Downing, Damian Arnold, Alex Fendrich, Jet Evelith, and Holly Laurnet. They're really something. Everybody should check it out. They improvise a two act play. A real play. Not some jokey Logan's Run The Musical. A real play. About twenty minutes in you think "holy shit, this is a real play." and then you say "of course dumbass, the concept is written on the poster, and it's called play." and then you say "I...didn't think they meant it." and then you say "that's because you have trust issues because your camp counselor molested you during a trust exercise." And that's when you say "hey, there's no reason to go there, we're all friends here." and then you think "are we? are we all friends? Then why am I holding a gun?" and you say "Whoa, whoa, put the gun down, that was a long time ago."

The Party
I don't know what's more fun, going to the after-party, or just asking around and finding out where it is. There have been secret blowouts at hidden locations in the past (see Pudding Wrestling in the Screenin Room) this time it was a low-key affair at Alex Fendrich's place, which is oddly the ONLY condo I've ever pointed to and remarked how cool it was. I never notice condo's, I'm not in the market but everytime I pass this one I always comment on how gorgeous it is, and lo and behold Alex is living on one of them. Nice taste man.

Ike Barinholtz
My favorite comedy baseball card. Ike has always made me laugh very very hard, and still does. Always great to see him and throw around some bits.

And that's it, see you at CIF 2007, unless this one's still going this week, it might be.

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