Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Superherofest Approaches: Fanfilm Theatre!

I love live action Superhero movies, that's why I'm not only excited about Superman Returns, X3, Ghost Rider, and Spider-Man 3 as well as IRON MAN


Which is finally going ahead with director John Favreau. How perfect is that, massive SFX experience (Zathura), great storyteller (Elf), good sense of comedy (Made), and definitely knows his superheroes (Daredevil and the Daredevil panel on his show Dinner For Five). Per-fect. John, if you're reading this, PLEASE, PLEASE bring Christopher Doyle in to shoot. PLEASE! The man is a genius.

But some Superhero movies haven't been made. That's when it falls on the shoulders of fans to make those films while directors like Favreau to gear up and do the big versions.

Green Arrow anyone?

Gotta work on my Moon Knight fanfilm.

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