Sunday, October 29, 2006



How did this come out with no fanfare whatsoever?? I've been waiting for this ever since they released the complete first season of Who's The Boss? Wow, the legendary first season of SNL. Sure we've seen Samaurai Delicatessen and Coneheads 100 times, but there's got to be so many gems in the other fifty minutes of those twenty episodes, and the live show in New Orleans!!!! When has that ever aired, even in shitty Nickelodeon truncated form. Oh, this is gonna be good. Damn why do I have no money and no job, must go to netlflix right now.


la ray said...

ahem... not to brag (OK I will) but me and 200 other Tulane students were in the crowd scene below the balcony for Belushi's Mussolini speech during the live show in the french quarter. . it was nuts, even by 1970's mardi Gras standards ...

I remember three things: peeing in my flask so I wouldn't lose my spot, Buck Henry's antler dance, and lying on the cobblestones with Laurie Somebody watching a random monitor behind the crew trucks over by Cafe du Monde... as jennie Blank would say "good times..."

Adam said...

what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ray! That is like being at Woodstock, no, cooler, that's like being in Dallas for the Kennedy Assasination, no cooler, that's like being on the set of Behind The Green Door! WOW!!!!!