Thursday, October 26, 2006

Michelle L'amour says hi

I went to one of the coolest things I've ever been to last night, Lucha Va Voom. Mexican wrestling and burlesque dancing.


I was hipped to the whole thing by those hip mavens, Michelle L'Amour and her manager/compatriot Franky. What a cool event, great wrestling, great theatrics, and the coolest crowd outside of a Rent Party. This event has been going on for a couple of years, and it was the event that Jack Black and Jared Hess went to when they cooked up the idea of Nacho Libre, that's how it happens here.

Jeffrey Ross, Dana Gould, and another comedian who's name eludes me were situated at a table above the crowd and gave play-by-play of the event and threw out bits.

Michelle was the last dancer before the midget wrestling, which makes her the headliner. She did the Snow White dance which can be found in the screening room. and knocked the crowd flat. The other dancers couldn't hold a pastie to the way Michelle had everyone all Tex Avery-ed.

My camera died, but here's a video of the event I found on youtube.

The midgets were amazing, they had two of them dressed up like Water Buffalo's (they're in Nacho Libre as well) and they were awesome! You've never seen such high flying feats, and the people ringside got a face full of thrown midget more than once, these midgets were thrown like fifteen feet into the crowd. Amazing entertainment.

Hey, Schadenfreude, I got an idea for the next Improv Festival...



RA Lay said...

DAMN you trumped me... been wanting to do Lucha va Voom forever. the other guy was probably Wayne Capatch (Patton Oswalts buddy) who is a mainstay at Lucha along with Fred Arminsen from SNL.

adam said...

Oh Ray, WE ARE GOING to Lucha in February, you, of all people would LOVE it. It is cool L.A. culture at it's finest.