Monday, October 30, 2006

What I'm Listening To Right Now


A Christian Perspective on Halloween, available at the best obscure album website find of late Scar Stuff

Mike Warnke is a comedian, in the loosest sense of the term, that lectures on how, while most holidays started as pagan rituals, Halloween is the only one that still retains it's pagan origins paying homage to evil spirits and ghosts and witches. And while the flaming tree of the pagan ritual of Saturnalia has been turned into the innocent Christmas tree ritual, Halloween still retains too much of it's paganinity, leading children to be seduced into worhsipping dark forces, or even Satan himself.

And why does Mike think this? Because he joined a Satan worshipping cult, drank blood, and prayed to dark forces...WHAT??? Allright, I may not be a regular churchgoer, I may enjoy the lectures of atheist Richard Dawkins more than most,'s a pretty big step to start worshipping Satan with a bunch of suburban douchebags and drinking blood. First I would have to get into worshipping anything. I think Mike's life choice speaks a little more about him and far far less about the holiday of Halloween. But that's just me. I mean...allright, whatever.

The funniest part is where Mike is talking about the drinking of blood mixed with wine because it's symbolic of drinking of Satan's blood, but NOW he drinks wine because it's symbolic of drinking Christ's blood. In defending Chrisitanity he ends up showing how it's all kind of the same pagan ritual, just dressed up in Church clothes. Literally.

But Scar Stuff has TONS of scary Halloween records, all free of charge until Virgin records decides to pick up the rights to Scary Spooky Sounds vol. 3.


And they have the greatest record of all time. MAN-THING, in Night of The Laughing Dead, which I previously covered in an older post.


Clowns, in swamps, killing themselves. By the way, if you click on the above link it will download the greatest piece of art in recent memory. Scar stuff also linked the below three albums with Man-Thing, click on them to download them as well.


Not your standard tales of Dracula, Frankenstein, and Wolf-Man, more Marvel Comics versions of them. Dracula's tale takes place entirely in the the snowy mountains. Kind of cool

Happy Halloween.


Scott said...

I'm surprised you didn't mention how in the late 90's the Christian media (if there is such a thing) took Mike Warnke to task about the validity of his Satanic past. Apparently, he made all of it up to get money for his organization who helped people leave the satanic lifestyle (also known as Mike Warnke's pocket). The story came out in Cornerstone Magazine which was published by a Christian Comune in Chicago. They later published it in a book.

Adam said...

Wow! I didn't mention it because I didn't know it. That's some great trivia, someone should look that up and see if that's the first instance of faith-based charity corruption.