Friday, December 22, 2006

Awesome Awesomeness

First off, Short-Haired Chick Friday will be up at some point today but there was too much awesome awesomeness to not knock off a quick post.

First and foremost, PLEASE PLEASE check out Schadenfreude and Steve Delahoyde's AMAZING interactive short-film, Choose Your Own Adventure. It could be the best things the group's ever done and I'm absolutely ashamed I wasn't involved. I've only gone through the first two adventures an laughed my ass off! It's a radical format for sketch, it's hilarious, there's so many goddamn jokes, I'm amazed. I just love it love it love it. Please go now. Then come back.

...I'll wait....

....go now or no Short-Haired Chick Friday....

Good. Welcome back.

USA Today revealed the Silver Surfer from Fantastic Four 2 today.


Actual screenshot folks, yowza. I just can't believe I'm living in a era where I can go the theatre and see the SILVER FREAKING SURFER ON THE BIG SCREEN!!! Also check out the description of The Trailer coming out soon. It's not hard to out-hot the first movie, but this sounds like full-on badness.

Also check out the picture of the crew recently published.


I liked the first one if only by my lifelong contract with this genre of film, and A Fantastic Four movie is better than none at all.


I'll tag a "literally" onto the end of that sentence as I once bought the Roger Corman version years ago at The Chicago Comicon. So I put my money where my mouth is when I say better than none at all.

So, roll call, summer '07

Fantastic Four
Spider-Man 3


Underdog ...hey, I was a big fan when I was a kid, I'm so there. With the current obession with Penguins how long before we see a Tennessee Tuxedo movie?

and... perhaps the best of all.

wait for it...





Oh man oh man oh man oh man can I not wait to sit my ass in the theatre and watch something made especially for me. This movie is going to be amazing on so many friggin levels. Ever since Tarantino came onto the scene I've studied his references, this is how I got into Exploitation music (I can't wait to hear the soundtrack for Grindhouse) and I'm just so happy to see him even more unbound, it's going to be reference city, plus Rodriguez! Forget about this film. Just forget about it. I don't know if I can handle it.

Here's the best trailer ever since yesterdays post.

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