Schadenfreude didn't know it but it had gotten a hotel in a hotbed of of hot chicks. There's an audition space in the hotel, that's actually how I found it, Mike and Charley were doing auditions for Blue World a couple weeks ago when I posted about it.
Evidently those rooms were being used to audition models because there were some damn thin pairs of jeans walking around holding up frail hotties.
But this was not known to me when I sighted "her." I've, of course, got a radar for Short-Haired chicks, much like the 2005 Mustang Fastback I just know when one's around. And now that I'm known for this fetish, er, attraction, I make sure to take good long looks at Short-Haired chicks to make the people around me laugh.
We were walking into the hotel and there was a damn gorgeous short-haired chick. I looked, I looked again, I looked for the bit, and then I looked because this was no bit. That was America's Top Model Runner Up Megan Morris.
Let the cliche' of short-haired chicks not being hot falll! Let the cliche' of them looking like boys die a fiery Natalie Portman death.
I don't have a lot of time right now so I'll just fill the rest of this column in with a script taken from an episode of Power Rangers
Rita : Uh! He doesn't stand a -chance-, does he?
Lord Zedd : Of -course- not. At least not without -this-!
Lord Zedd & Rita : Grow, Rito, grow!
Rito : [excited] Heyy! Check -me- out! Hahahaaa!
Kimberly : Oh, Aisha, I bet you anything your kitty'll come back to you by dinner-time.
Billy : Zordon, this is Billy; we read you.
Zordon : Billy, you and the others must teleport to the Command Center immediately.
Billy : Right. We're on our way.
Zordon : Rangers, Rito is back. He is giant sized and headed for downtown Angel Grove.
Billy : But what about Tommy? We can't just leave him there!
Adam : We don't even know where -there- is!
Kimberly : What are we gonna do?
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