Tuesday, December 19, 2006


This is hilarious. Evidently a recent Rent Party was visited by a member of the Spanish-Speaking Press came to see it and gave Schadenfreude it's first bad review, clearly missing the satire of someone dressing up as a pimp for Halloween to make fun of people dressing up as pimps for Halloween, instead reading it as someone dressing as a pimp for Halloween. Watch Univision to see the subtlety of Spanish satire.

Schadenfreude has had only two bad reviews, and one of them was recieved from a critic who got sprayed with fake blood. Yes, that's true on the Schadenfreude trivia calendar, we did once accidentally spray a critic with fake blood. The crazy thing is, the review was not that bad.

So then, hilariously, comes this review.

Even more hilariously comes this review as poorly translated from Babelfish.


The hearing seemed not to realize of which the actor vainly tried to
gain his attention with a swaying microphone. They noticed only when
checking the microphone imitating to a super villain of Hollywood.

The host of "Schadenfreude Rent Party," raised the scene in a disguise
of padrote of the announcement of car insurances and shouted "What
there is, dogs" hard and crude to the hearing that requested more.
Dragging his own words, he described to the hearing the whole evening.

The night began with the first comedian without luster that only could
take a laughter to the crowd imitating to Samuel "Screech" Powers, of
Bran by the Bell. The crowd seemed pleased with its routine of comedy.

The second comedian followed the mediocre performance of first
dressing like a Judy Baar drunk Topinka. Dressing loose, with a
cigarette hanging of his lips, he spoke of his campaign talking about
to the present governor like "Blagodouche". Rather porqué was amused
used political without sense and molded in its own political satire.
It was probably the only time that I laughed in all the evening.

The following comedian remembered me to a sent man of hearing of
"Austin Powers". He made bad jokes of his mother who it physically
abused it and it used more of the account stereotypes to live in a
park of movable houses ruined. At the beginning of its performance,
his crossed vocalized to redefine how an attractive type shines, but
in the end, it only reinforced the pathetic thing that is.
The imitadora of Judy Baar Topinka returned to scene looking for a boy
who wrote an anonymous letter to him, requesting to him to leave with
him. Perhaps it raised the tone of his which had voice, to that it had
put a finger in the nose. It indicated everything what could go badly,
but would agree in leaving if it found with whom. It pleased much to
the crowd, but I had to force to me to have the open eyes.

The evening concluded with the announcement of winners of the Aid of
Disguises. The five winners were "Even Padrote and", with exception of
winners of second place "Harry Potter and Pair". After leaving to
scene, with pride it said that she was not street, to which the crowd
responded with a applause. The "Street one" on the other hand enjoyed
winning four times, due to being shared by the four padrotes. These
obvious learned to dress seeing too much bio operation and BET. One
mofa without grace of the black popular culture.

The function it was absolutely a misfortune that to see and if by mini
were not emparedados the ítalos ones of head of cattle and plates with
vegetables, it would have gone to me. The Shadenfraude gives to
functions in Night club Gallery every Friday third of month, and this
peculiar bar of district seems to be a good site where to pass it and
to lie down drinks, but the 17 of November I will do something more
valuable with my time.

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