Thursday, December 7, 2006

Random Thoughts from Not That Dick

I don't want to be that dick.

The biggest dick thing people do when they move to Los Angeles is talk to people back in the midwest and tell them how great the weather is or, even bigger dick move, say how cold it is today because it's 65. That is such a dick thing to do. However, it's absolutely take-the-day-off-work gorgeous today.

We got a shout-out!

Bart, my housemate and long-time friend is a huge Sasha and the Noob fan, and who isn't, really? What? You aren't? You're seriously missing out. Stop quoting Borat like some fucking Maxim reader and start digging on Sasha and The Noob. What? You've seen it and you don't get it? Watch it again, it grows on you, might I suggest the episode in which they interview me or the episode in which they interview Sandy in which Bart and I get a shoutout! Bart and I were going to bombard the show with calls, but 5:30 PST is a less ideal time to call than 7:30 CST. Sasha was pissy, which I found hilarious. He was pissy because he's never forgiven Sandy for dinging him when we hosted The Gong Show for WNEP many years before Sandy knew Steve Gadlin and Paul Luikart, who I've know since college, they were part of the famed Tower Players from Miami University of Ohio.


I'm logging this show, tentatively titled Paradise City, and one of the characters in it is Anthony Cools who's a Las Vegas hypnotist and runs an "adults only" hypnotism show in which he hypnotizes people and then gives them hypnotic suggestions to make them do all kinds of dirty things. He had all the girls put beer bottles between their legs and then has the the guys blow them, and the guys do. He tells them that when he shakes their hands they're going to have an explosive orgasm. He tells them that when he says a certain word they'll do something ridiculous.

You're all familiar with the concept right? It's hilarious to watch people do stupid things in general, doubly funny when they are hypnotized and will never remember doing it.

Hypnotism seems like it should be some magic trick, a "special power" that this "hypnotist" has, but it's all fake. The sort of stuff of black & white movies with close-ups of hypnotists eyes. But it's not fake, right? It actually happens. People are actually put under a "spell" and blow each other or whatever you tell them to, right?

Here's the things that occurred to me while watching it.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???? How the hell are we equipped to be put under a spell? What the hell does it mean to us as humans that we can be put into such a state? That is super super fucked up when you think about it. You can be put into this state of waking sleep and then told what to do and then you just do it when someone says a word? THAT'S INSANE!! We all just accept hypnotism, but I just think it's weird that our body comes with the capacity to let this happen. I mean, I have an appendix because at one time a caveman had to eat rocks for sustenance, I want to bomb Iraq because I just have this caveman-like need to kill, but why does my body come with a mechanism to make me do the bidding of anyone who says I'm getting sleepy??

That is just too weird. I think there's a lot about ourselves that we couldn't possibly believe, and if only we believed it we would astound ourselves, because you have to deal with the consequences of knowing the unlimited potential you are capable of. It's scary. It makes me think about that quote from Akeelah and the Bee another free movie courtesy of Paul Preston.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

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