Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Way To Go Schadenfreude

...annnnnnnnnnd....time. Nine years. Nine years and four months. That's how long it's taken. That's how long it took for Schadenfruede to see some measurable progress.

Let that be a lesson to anyone in Chicago comedy who's been working for two years and wonders why they haven't made it.

You see, right now i am typing from my computer in the hotel room at the Bel Age Hotel. >Justin is in bed, and Anglin is snoring two feet away from me on the hide-a-bed. Frankly, I'm drunk and shutting one eye in order to see the computer screen and have to get up in five hours to work, but I'm such a purist for the blog thing that I try to post as close to in-the-moment as possible and I'm on a real high right now.

You see, Schadenfreude has been together for a while, we always said that we'd stay together as a group, and one of the stories I always shared to describe Schadenfreude's group mentality was a point I always heard John Lennon make. The Beatles always felt sorry for Elvis because he never had a shoulder to lean on, but no maatter what the situation, John could always turn to Paul and say "do you believe this shit?" Well tonight Schadenfreude did a lot of that.

In case you didn't know. Tonight Schadenfreude met with a talent agency, and it went very well. I don't know what details decormum dictates I share, so I will share next to nothing. Let's just say the screenplay we wrote last year has already exceeded our expectations.

We finished a screenplay based on Alderman Ed Bus of the 53rd Ward last September and we met a couple talent agents on it this weekend. After the meeting we held a well-publicised Chicago Bears party at Monroe's on Melrose and San Vicente with all our Chicago friends who moved out here over the last couple of years including Josh Meyers and Ike Barinholtz who's a bitch for not telling me when he was leaving. What a bitch move. But what would you expect from a bitch? I ask you.

I moved to L.A. two months ago an already Schadenfreude is visiting, we've had such fun and been able to look at each other, the same people who have been together so long, and say "do you believe this shit?". Not only being able to walk into a talent agency and talk about a script based on character we first did at The Heartland Studio Theatre seven years ago, but also be able to party with thirty Chicago/L.A. friends afterwards. We hung out with so many people tonight including friends from years past; Joe Nunez whom I used to improvise with when I first moved to Chicago, Nick Waggener whom we first met when we did a college show at Arizona State four years ago, Frank Caeti, Keegan, and Gillian who helped start Schadenfreude with us years ago. We all watched the Bears beat the fuck out of the Rams. And a good time was had by all.

An amazing night topped by an amazing coincidence. You see, the night was hot enough as it was when Nick came up and claimed that a celebrity was at the bar, Cincinnati Red Center Fielder 1985-1992, Eric Davis.

For those of you who don't know, I spent my high school days in Oxford, Oh, 45 minutes north of Cincinnati and was a huge Reds fan when they won the world series 1990, and above all that a big Eric Davis fan. My cousin Joe and I are the biggest Eric Davis fans on earth. And I got my picture taken with him.

But I don't have the picture right now and I'm drunk, so I'm going to bed.

Bottom line: GO SCHADENFREUDE!!!!!! and go Big Red Machine 2

I'll be coherent tomorrow.


Steev said...

Way to go, Schadenfreude. I use you guys as an example of the right way to do this all the time. We're proud as shit of you back here in Chi-town.

Adam said...

Thanks Steev! It's a long long journey, I guess that's why they tell you to enjoy the journey, but sometimes it is hard after the two-hundredth or three-hundredth dissapointment. You and Paul are a great example of how to do it too, the cable show gets no immediate results, but your fanbase is growing for your commitment to it. There's no traffic jams on the extra mile as they say.